Please fill out a note to your child. Welcome to Back to School Night! August 26, 2015
Mrs. Marchisio, Mrs. Harms, Mrs. Hildebrand, & Ms. Whelan Teacher Websites Can be found by going to or by visiting classroom Main Office Phone : BFA Policy Link The best way to contact me is
Writing CKLA integrated writing Step Up/Writer’s Workshop Mini Lesson Time for writing (getting thoughts on paper) Conferencing Author’s Chair Poetry Night Daily Language Instruction (DLI) Grammar, conventions, proofreading, etc.
CKLA Reading Ability Grouping Whole group & Small guided reading groups Lessons include: Correlates with Core Knowledge Science & Social Studies Blending Fluency Oral Language Development Vocabulary Comprehension Listening
Saxon Math Ability Grouping Group work and hands-on activities with manipulatives Friday Math Centers Spiraling curriculum act practice “A” side done together “B” side will be homework (Mrs. Harms & Ms. Whelan) 3 rd Grade classes Only (Mrs. Marchisio & Mrs. Hildebrand) Power-Up, Text books, Homework Recording sheet #1-20 per night Children who have 70% or lower at the end of trimester 1 will move to 2 nd Grade math
Spelling Affiliated with CKLA Reading Students explore words instead of only memorizing spellings (Word Work stations) Ability grouped – students work at their level Words introduced in class, but please practice at home! Words posted on Teacher Websites (kids will also write their words in their agenda each Monday) Tests on Fridays
Core Knowledge All concepts and information can be found in the book: What Your 2 nd Grader Needs to Know by E.D. Hirsch Science & Social Studies Daily Pearson Science Literature Poems, Stories, Sayings & Phrases Fun Projects ~ Make your own continent (in class) ~Greek god/goddess project( ~ Ellis Island
Homework Nightly 2 nd grade math will have “B-side” Math practice or a page in their math book 3 rd grade math will have “Written Practice” #1-20 Designed to take minutes per night (M-TH) Reading Log and Planner minutes of reading 2 nights a week, and 2 nights of LEXIA CORE 5 (M-TH) Reading Log due Friday Students record any homework in their planner each day (math, study for test, etc.)
Assessments STAR READING TEST (given every month on Ipads) TTests Fluency & Comprehension UUsed to determined AR goal each Trimester DDouglas County Test used in K-6 Classroom Assessments SSpelling words, CKLA assessments, weekly DLI (Daily Language Instruction) SSaxon math tests and unit assessments CCore Knowledge Science and Social Studies assessments PProjects (presentations)
Rewards & Discipline o Rewards BFA Awards for use of the 13 Virtues Classroom Celebrations Table Tallies Discipline Card Changes Minutes off Recess Conferences (my specific procedures for classroom discipline are located on our classroom webpage under “Procedures”
Miscellaneous Attendance Our curriculum includes a great deal of teacher instruction and hands on learning. If your child misses school there will be pieces that cannot be replicated in the make-up work. Please contact me AND if your child will be picked up early or arriving late. Your child will be marked “tardy” if he or she arrives in our classroom 8:15 a.m. Volunteers At school and at home help are appreciated! More Sign-up Geniuses will coming available throughout the school year. Snacks Healthy, no nuts Bring a filled water bottle daily Behavior “Light” Card System
Miscellaneous Absences If your child will be absent, please contact the me AND The office needs to know (most importantly) so you do not get the auto-call that your child is missing. Carpool PLEASE be here on time to get your child after school. School is out at 3:30, you should be here ready to pick up your child. 4:00 is not an acceptable time to arrive to get your child. (BASE, sports, and any after school activities kiddos excluded.)
It is my goal to use instructional strategies that: Produce cooperation. Allow students to learn from each other through peer tutoring. Give students responsibility and independence in both learning and behavior. Build understanding of action-consequence relationship. Allow continuous learning through the use of learning centers, small group instruction, and individual pacing. Involve parents in classroom activities. Encourage student responsibility and ownership of the learning environment. Teach goal-setting from an early age. Build leadership skills in all students.