NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv MODELING AND SIMULATION OF TURBULENT PENETRATIVE CONVECTION AND POLLUTANT DISPERSION ABOVE THE URBAN HEAT ISLAND IN STABLY STRATIFIED ENVIRONMENT A.F. Kurbatskiy Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk, Russia L.I. Kurbatskaya Institute of Computational Math. and Math. Geophysics SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russia
NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv HEAT TRANSFER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS At the plume axis and at its outer boundary symmetric conditions ( / r) = ( / r) = ( / r) ( 2 / r) = 0 are prescribed. (U r =0 at r = 0 and at r =1.8R) At the top boundary the zero-flux condition V/ z = / z = / z = = 2 / z = 0 is enforced. Domain of integration is a cylinder r z s o u r c e Top boundary Heat Flux, H 0
NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv HEAT TRANSFER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The surface heat source is placed on the bottom (z = 0) has the size 0 r / D 0.5. Boundary conditions at the bottom are specified as heat flux H 0 is prescribed values of E, and 2 at the first level above surface are chosen according to Kurbatskii (JAM, 2001, vol.40, No.10) Domain of integration is a cylinder Z 0 Top boundary s o u r c e Heat Flux, H 0 r
NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv MASS TRANSFER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS At the plume axis and at outer boundary, ( C/ r) = ( c / r) = 0. At the top, Constant flux of mass, is prescribed inside a source. At the bottom and outside of a source Domain of integration is a cylinder Z r Top boundary mass source L = 0.5 D
NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv MASS TRANSFER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The same boundary conditions are used for source of small length located at the center of a heat island. Domain of integration is a cylinder Z r Top boundary mass source L=0.1D
NATO ASI Conference, Kyiv MASS TRANSFER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS and the same boundary conditions are used for source of small length located at the periphery of a heat island. Domain of integration is a cylinder Z r Top boundary mass source L= 0.1D