The I-Search Journey By: Lexi Luft
The Beginning… Where will I attend college? What career do I want to pursue? How much will my education cost?
The Beginning… Roger Williams University Lawyer
College: Roger Williams University Tuition: $30,908 Room & Board: $13,220 Fairly small- 4,310 undergraduates 4 freshmen dorms No car first year- other transportation Dining Hall Fitness Center Interview: Ashley O’Keefe
College: Roger Williams University Major: Legal Studies -Criminal law -Constitutional law -Judicial process and ethics -Conflict resolution and mediation -Sports law -Social justice -Trial advocacy Minor: Business -Accounting 1: Financial -Computer Applications in Business -Spreadsheets, Databases, and Project Management -Macroeconomics -Microeconomics -Management Principles -Marketing Principles
Career: Lawyer LSAT (Law School Admission Test) Three years of schooling Earn JD Bar Exam
Career: Lawyer Very demanding Long hours Lifestyle change Salary- $88,613 to $144,207 Susan Heyman- former lawyer Nicole Benjamin- current lawyer
Finances Undergrad tuition $30,908x4 Room and Board $13,220x7 Books$900x4 LSAT$150x1 Bar Exam$400x1 Law School$38,010X3 Transportation$794x4 Total$334,828
Finances Financial Aid Package Scholarships Parents Room Advisor
Conclusion Learned a lot about myself Sent me in the right direction Decided on college and career Made finances reality Excited for my future