Business Ethics Why should business ethics concern you?
Business Ethics Business ethics affect profits Profits affect paychecks Paychecks affect employees
Objectives Define various terminologies regarding ethics Identify key factors of an ethical situation Make ethical decisions
General Rule ASK: Is this the right thing to do?
Webster ’ s Definition: Ethics is the study of right and wrong in actions.
Business Ethics Principles that define what is right or wrong conduct for an organization
10 Commandments for Computer Ethics Thou shalt not Use a computer to harm others Interfere with other people ’ s computer work Snoop around in other people ’ s files Use a computer to steal Use a computer to bear false witness Copy or proprietary software for which you have not paid
10 Commandments, Continued Thou shalt not Use other people ’ s computer resources without authorization or proper compensation Appropriate other people ’ s intellectual output Think about the social consequences of the program you write or the system you design Use a computer in ways that show consideration of and respect for your fellow humans
Business Ethics Best way to handle ethical dilemmas is to avoid their occurrence in the first place Corporate Codes of Ethics Corporate Codes of Conduct Roles of Ethicists and committees Procedures to resolve ethical dilemmas Ethics Training