Iowa: A place to grow... And stay How to retain and attract teachers to Iowa Elizabeth Dunbar, Erica Esbeck and Nicole Peterson
Future Educational Concerns 4 Teacher Employment Opportunities 4 Retaining Youth Leaders
Why are teachers not choosing Iowa? 4 Current minimum starting salary for teachers is only $18,000 4 Other states have more competitive salaries for teachers and unique benefits 4 Few opportunities for leadership
Teacher Employment Opportunities in Iowa 4 Elementary and secondary teachers are in high demand 4 High placement rate of college grads in teaching jobs 4 Increase in job openings as a result of teacher retirement
From youth leaders to leaders in education 4 Low percentage of students at Iowa’s state universities pursuing degrees in education 4 Youth leaders in Iowa are leaving to go to more competitive colleges Iowa State University 1998
Attracting new teachers 4 Increase starting salary minimum 4 Tuition reimbursement for college graduates that accept teaching jobs in Iowa 4 Educate students on leadership opportunities in schools
Branches of Benefits Better, more motivated teachers will improve Iowa schools A younger population will improve other aspects of life: business, culture, political activism Young teachers will set an example for future leaders of Iowa Attracting teachers and youth leaders to Iowa will: