Governor’s Educator Excellence Awards Program Plano ISD Mendenhall Elementary
Highlights Established by Governor Perry and House Bill 1 Rewards campuses that are high achieving and have high percentages of educationally disadvantaged students
How to Qualify Ranking within the top half of highest percentages of educationally disadvantaged students and Rating of Exemplary or Recognized Or Top-quartile performance with respect to Comparable Improvement in Math and or Reading
Plans must be developed with significant teacher involvement Campus Committee Karen Noble- Principal Maricela Helm Assistant Principal Staci Zolkoski- Kinder Teacher Terwill Tomino- 1st Grade Teacher Jeanne Shilstone-2nd Grade Teacher Molly Pond- 3rd Grade teacher Sylvia Devers-5th grade teacher Christine Barrantes-5th Grade Teacher Emily Parks-PE oRobin Garner-Sp Ed oCherrie Kilby-Sp ED Carol Cumonow-Sp ED Suzanne Gaw-Sp ed Maria Gallastegui-Title I Debbie Arnold -Title I Joan Bartell-Title I GeeGee Thorn-Parent Inv Jackie DeGarmo-PACE Pat Archer-ESOL
District Approval Campus plans must be approved by a district-level committee, such as the district-level planning and decision-making committee. A school district must make its incentive plan available for public viewing.
District Committee Jeff Bailey -Area Assistant Superintendent Richard Matkin- Associate Superintendent Business Services Jim Hirsch- Associate Superintendent Curriculum & Instruction Services Jayne Cantwell-Executive Director for Elementary Curriculum Cathy Galloway- Executive Director for Student Services Linda Madon- Executive Director for Finance Services James Ashby- Director of Assessment & Accountability Rob Stewart- HR Director for Compensation & Diversity Bart Rosebure-Coordinator for Compensation and Records Kathy Waskow-Construction/Revenue Account Tonya Horton-Student Achievement Specialist Karen Noble-Mendenhall Elementary Principal Maricela Helm- Mendenhall Elementary Assistant Principal
Grant Goals To recognize the committed effort of every individual on campus in an effort to create a learning community To associate an additional value to the time and dedication required for a successful STARS program Commitment to vertical and share-out meetings as an integral part of collaboration and grade level consistency Assurance of each staff member’s commitment to schedules, students, and teams
Total Award: $75,000 Part I Funding: $56,250 75% of total award to campus For classroom teachers only Part II Funding: $18,750 25% of total award to campus Additional incentives for other school personnel who have contributed to increased student achievement
Part I Criteria 1 Success in improving student performance Criteria 2 Collaboration with faculty and staff Criteria 3 Demonstration of ongoing initiative, that directly result in improved student performance
Part I Criteria 1 Incentive Pay by grade level for criteria met in various tiers. for example: Grade: 3-5 Criteria: Reading TAKS 100% of Award = $ Tier %-100% passing + campus receives “Recognized” 90% of Award = $ Tier %-100% but campus does not receive “Recognized” or 85%- 89% passing 80% of Award = $272.00Tier %-84% passing
Part I Criteria 2 100% Attendance and Participation in Vertical Meetings and Share-out Meetings Set Amount $100
Part I Criteria 3 90%-100% Attendance rate for Stars Program Teachers Set Amount $250.00
Part II Additional stipends for teachers to participate in Stars Program that directly contribute to improved student achievement Incentives for other school personnel who have contributed to increased student achievement
Part II Continued Examples Teacher Assistance associated with specific grade levels meeting criteria: Tier % of Award=$ Tier % of Award= $ Tier % of Award= $ Special's Teachers associated with specific grade levels meeting criteria: Tier % of Award=$ Tier % of Award= $ Tier % of Award= $272.00
Incentive Payout Data analysis and final Evaluation Report within 30 days after the end of the project. Incentives to be awarded July- August 2007
Congratulations to the staff at Mendenhall Elementary