Hilary Moore Regional Practitioner DfES, Standards Unit
Success for All LSC and DfES joint strategy Standards Unit established November 2002
Meeting needs, improving choice Putting teaching, training and learning at the heart of what we do Developing leaders, teachers, trainers & support staff of the future Developing a framework for quality and success The Strategy – Launched 19 November 2002 LSC leads on Themes 1 & 4 DfES Standards Unit leads on Themes 2 & 3
Standards Unit Vision & Values Transforming teaching, training & learning and promoting excellence. Evidence-based - building on best practice. Working collaboratively. Embracing innovation & e-learning. Ensuring robust evaluation. Improving the quality of leadership, management & workforce development. Regional network supporting teaching & learning and workforce development.
Theme 3 The Strategy Targets for college teachers to be qualified: 90% full-time, 60% part- time by All except new entrants by Modernising pay, recruitment & retention incentives. Strong leadership & management via Centre for Excellence in Leadership. Improving Initial Teacher Training. Developing leaders, teachers, trainers and support staff of the future
Theme 2 The Strategy Putting teaching, training and learning at the heart of what we do Tackling variable standards. Standards Unit staffed with sector expert practitioners and secondees. Identify, develop & disseminate best practice learning materials & training programmes in priority curriculum areas. Improved exploitation / integration of e-learning & NLN Online to the learning & skills sector.
Teaching quality varies by curriculum area Per cent of colleges marked unsatisfactory or worse Based on 165 inspections
Theme 2 Principles Putting teaching, training and learning at the heart of what we do “Scaleable” approaches. Creating "pull" (in marketing terms). And “chain reactions”. Leading to professional learning communities. And individual subject learning coaches Networks of expert practitioners and subject professions. With a sense of urgency to tackle poor practice.
Theme 2 The Priorities Putting teaching, training and learning at the heart of what we do Phase One curriculum areas – business studies, construction, science & Entry to Employment (e2e). Phase Two curriculum areas – maths, health & social care, ICT & land-based studies. Phase Three Modern Foreign Languages, Engineering, ACL, ITT Small-scale trials, large-scale piloting, evaluation and national rollout.
Timeline September 2003 January 2004 May 2004 September 2004 January 2005May 2005September 2005 January 2006 May 2006 Phase 1 Priority Curriculum Areas Phase 2 Priority Curriculum Areas Phase 3 Priority Curriculum Areas key Pilots Trials Roll Out Impact on learner outcomes
Impact and Outcomes Priority Curriculum areas: increases to in: Success rates. Numbers of institutions, teachers and learners reached. Teaching and learning inspection grades.
Teaching & learning - Success Rate Improvement Targets Success rates ConstructionScience & Maths Business Studies 2001/0258% (colleges) 40% (WBL) 68%60% (colleges) 38% (WBL) 2007/0872% (colleges) 65% (WBL) 77%72% (colleges) 65% (WBL)
LearnersTeachersProviders Summer September million55,0003,000 September million105,0003,000 Teaching & Learning - Volumes
National transformation model Resources distributed to all providers in Autumn term 2004 and second phase subjects in September, 2005 Provider engagement in transformation model gained within the region SU Regional subject leads to support providers (first four subjects in post) Subject learning coaches identified by all providers to act as main instrument of transformation Alternative engagement model identified for small providers Subject coach programme delivered – LSDA consortium Regional subject learning coach networks established supporting Teaching, Training and Learning
Second Phase of Subjects ICT10 th June Maths27 th June Health and Social Care5 th July Land based 6 th July London events