With Mr. Wagner
….So you understand how economical/financial aspects of the world work… Why are gas prices so high? Why are interest rates so low? Where does my money come from? What does it take to become a millionaire? Why do we need to learn about economics?
Personal finance We don’t talk about how to do your taxes, how to shop for insurance, how to manage credit cards, etc. If you want to learn these things, take Personal Finance with the Business teachers What this class is NOT about…..
Homework is due at the beginning of class when I ask for it OR After we go over it in class Any assignments turned in after I have collected them will receive a late penalty Homework Collection
50% penalty You can receive late credit for any assignment from the current unit we are studying up until the last day of that unit (day of the test/assessment) Late Work
YOU MUST SEE ME TO GET WHAT YOU MISSED! I will not seek you out; it is your responsibility. Missed work from unexcused absences cannot receive credit, but you may still need to do it if it contains important class material Absent Work
Put them away while we are working; this includes: Taking notes Completing in-class work Class discussions When is it ok to use my cell phone? If you are looking up something for an assignment or activity When you have completed all of your work Electronic Devices
3 rd tardy = warning 4 th tardy = call/ home 5 th tardy = detention 6 th tardy = dean referral Being a few seconds late will be excused as long as it isn’t frequently occurring Tardies
Ask questions in class if you don’t understand something See me before or after school if you need extra help DO NOT BE AFRAID TO ASK FOR HELP! Getting Help
Get a folder specifically for this class! Trust me, you will thank me if you do! Stay organized!
Do all of your work (both in-class and homework) Turn in late work to save some points Make up absent work Study for quizzes Ask for help when you need it How can you pass?
I will post homework assignment details, resources, and due dates on my web page (found on the CNHS web site under “Faculty”) My Web Site
Text Message Reminders