7243Nursing Fundamentals 7243 Nursing Fundamentals ~ Enrollment Limit Explanation ~ 1
NC Board of Nursing North Carolina Board of Nursing Administrative Rule 21 NCAC (i) requires the ratio of nurse aide students to teacher be 10:1 or less while in the clinical area. *(i) Nurse faculty members shall be sufficient in number to implement the curriculum as demanded by the course objectives, the levels of the students, and the nature of the learning environment, and shall be sufficient to provide for teaching, supervision and evaluation. The faculty-student clinical ratio shall be 1:10 or less. 2
North Carolina Board of Nursing Has delegated authority to regulate nurse aide training programs to The Division of Health Service Regulation 3
Division of Health Service Regulation “NC state guidelines follow educationally sound practices. It is educationally sound to have 10 students to 1 instructor in a training laboratory. Student must be able to see what it being demonstrated, get the individual attention needed to become proficient in a skill, and have adequate practice time in the training laboratory.” Education Consultant Center for Aide Regulation and Education Health Care Personnel Registry Section Division of Health Service Regulation NC Department of Health and Human Services 4
7243 Nursing Fundamentals is 100% nurse aide training. Therefore, must follow the 10:1 or fewer ratio as per BON and DHSR. 5
NO Observation Only students in Nursing Fundamentals. 6
Why Limit HSE/Observation? Obtaining high school student slots in healthcare facilities is increasingly difficult 1.Post secondary students are closer to the workforce and get the first slots 2.Employee cut backs means less time for student-employee interaction thus less student “engagement” 7
Why Limit HSE/Observation? (Continued) Non-patient hands on opportunities for students have decreased over the years 3.Tasks formerly done by hand have been replaced by technology Example: Laboratory 4.Student pose increased liability for medical facilities –Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act –The Joint Commission, formerly the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) –Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 8
Why Limit HSE/Observation? (Continued) Decreased student engagement Decreased student interest Unprofessional student behaviors Poor community image 9
Bottom Line… Medical facilities need extra hands with a skill set to offer, not unengaged students who take up there time and resources. 10