Principles informing IDT’s role Adding value to government development agenda Delivery of measurable sustainable development outcomes People centred development solutions Adding value to government development agenda Delivery of measurable sustainable development outcomes People centred development solutions
ROLE OF IDT Support Provincial EPWP lead Departments in coordinating EPWP. Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings (MPB) programme Programme Implementing Agent Community facilitation Develop Beneficiary Information Management System (idt value-add) Support Provincial EPWP lead Departments in coordinating EPWP. Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings (MPB) programme Programme Implementing Agent Community facilitation Develop Beneficiary Information Management System (idt value-add)
ROLE OF IDT Support Provincial EPWP Lead Departments in coordinating EPWP. Develop framework for provincial implementation Support individual Sector Depts. in development of their business plans (where required) Monitoring and reporting on provincial EPWP EPWP PMO office established within Free State DPW Contract signed with KZN DPW to provide coordination support and manage learnerships Support Provincial EPWP Lead Departments in coordinating EPWP. Develop framework for provincial implementation Support individual Sector Depts. in development of their business plans (where required) Monitoring and reporting on provincial EPWP EPWP PMO office established within Free State DPW Contract signed with KZN DPW to provide coordination support and manage learnerships
ROLE OF IDT Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings Programme. Facilitation Training Beneficiary exit strategies Monitoring and evaluation Current Status 21 Projects valued at R84m identified 5 Projects under implementation 68 beneficiaries employed to date 1200 beneficiaries to be employed once all 21 projects are rolled-out Support NDPW in implementing Maintenance of Public Buildings Programme. Facilitation Training Beneficiary exit strategies Monitoring and evaluation Current Status 21 Projects valued at R84m identified 5 Projects under implementation 68 beneficiaries employed to date 1200 beneficiaries to be employed once all 21 projects are rolled-out
ROLE OF IDT PIA Programme Implementation Training and Skills Development Beneficiary Exit Strategies Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation Current status: IDT appointed PIA in, Mpumalanga, North West, Western Cape, Gauteng and Eastern Cape PIA Programme Implementation Training and Skills Development Beneficiary Exit Strategies Reporting, Monitoring and Evaluation Current status: IDT appointed PIA in, Mpumalanga, North West, Western Cape, Gauteng and Eastern Cape
ROLE OF IDT Stakeholder mobilization and facilitation within NDPW learnership programmes Liaise with all stakeholders including local and provincial governments Community facilitation Current Status: Facilitation support to X Learnerships Stakeholder mobilization and facilitation within NDPW learnership programmes Liaise with all stakeholders including local and provincial governments Community facilitation Current Status: Facilitation support to X Learnerships
ROLE OF IDT Development and institutionalization of Beneficiary Information Management System Development and management of beneficiary database system in order to: Conduct beneficiary capacity assessment manage beneficiaries in a standardized effective and efficient manner from entry, exit and migration to future alternatives BIMS system once deployed nationally, would provide all EPWP reporting requirements. Current Status: Bims system idt national roll-out by mid April 2006 Bims system pilot in Gauteng and NDPW EPWP Maintenance projects in progress Development and institutionalization of Beneficiary Information Management System Development and management of beneficiary database system in order to: Conduct beneficiary capacity assessment manage beneficiaries in a standardized effective and efficient manner from entry, exit and migration to future alternatives BIMS system once deployed nationally, would provide all EPWP reporting requirements. Current Status: Bims system idt national roll-out by mid April 2006 Bims system pilot in Gauteng and NDPW EPWP Maintenance projects in progress
Current Status-Provinces ProvinceRoleClient MpumalangaPIAHealth, Education North WestPIAHealth GautengPIAPublic Works Kwazulu NatalPIA / CoordinationWorks/Transport Western CapePIA / coordinationPublic Works Eastern CapePIAPublic Works, Education Northern CapeCoordinationPublic Works Free StateInfrastructure sector coordination Public Works Limpopo
Current Status-Provinces Mpumalanga : Appointed PIA for X Projects Beneficiary training started Gauteng: Appointed PIA to implement 58 projects Infrastructure, environmental & social projects North West: IDT appointed PIA to implement X projects Mpumalanga : Appointed PIA for X Projects Beneficiary training started Gauteng: Appointed PIA to implement 58 projects Infrastructure, environmental & social projects North West: IDT appointed PIA to implement X projects
Current Status-Provinces Free State : IDT setup and capacitate Programme Management Office to coordinate EPWP Capacitate department to takeover after 12 months Northern Cape: Assist DPW in developing provincial business plan Assist sector depts. in developing sector plans Western Cape: Appointed to manage EPWP help desk Appointed to coordinate EPWP PIA to implement community projects Free State : IDT setup and capacitate Programme Management Office to coordinate EPWP Capacitate department to takeover after 12 months Northern Cape: Assist DPW in developing provincial business plan Assist sector depts. in developing sector plans Western Cape: Appointed to manage EPWP help desk Appointed to coordinate EPWP PIA to implement community projects
Current Status-Provinces Eastern Cape Appointed PIA- EPWP school building Kwazulu Natal Assist dept. of Transport in coordinating EPWP. Manage learnerships Dept to take-over by end of 12 months Eastern Cape Appointed PIA- EPWP school building Kwazulu Natal Assist dept. of Transport in coordinating EPWP. Manage learnerships Dept to take-over by end of 12 months
Challenges Projects generally limited to a financial year. Lead time required to arrange training Projects usually fast tracked Not all projects appropriately suited for EPWP or not properly planned for or designed. Stakeholder mobilization and social facilitation critical but usually not allocated enough time. Projects generally limited to a financial year. Lead time required to arrange training Projects usually fast tracked Not all projects appropriately suited for EPWP or not properly planned for or designed. Stakeholder mobilization and social facilitation critical but usually not allocated enough time.
Recommendations Multi year project planning. Review lead time required to approve training and budget allocation by DoL and Setas on EPWP projects. Standardize stakeholder mobilization and social facilitation to ensure uniformity across all EPWP projects. EPWP requirements to be factored in at project planning and design phase. Multi year project planning. Review lead time required to approve training and budget allocation by DoL and Setas on EPWP projects. Standardize stakeholder mobilization and social facilitation to ensure uniformity across all EPWP projects. EPWP requirements to be factored in at project planning and design phase.