Lehigh U. 新生說明會 2006 Spring Date: 5/19 Friday Time: 6:30 ~ 8:30 pm Place: 台北市市立圖書館總館 10 樓 會議室 TSA Web site: www.lehigh.edu/~intaisa/s Presented by Kuan.


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Presentation transcript:

Lehigh U. 新生說明會 2006 Spring Date: 5/19 Friday Time: 6:30 ~ 8:30 pm Place: 台北市市立圖書館總館 10 樓 會議室 TSA Web site: Presented by Kuan

Agenda 學校簡介 環境介紹 重要注意事項 食衣住行育樂 問題解答 Q & A

學校簡介 - Lehigh U. Founded in 1865 Ranking - America‘s Best College : 32 th (U.S.News 2006) (U.S.News 2006) - America‘s Best Graduate School: Education 32 th (U.S.News 2007) (U.S.News 2007) Engineering 47 th (U.S.News 2007) (U.S.News 2007) - Undergraduate BusinesPrograms : 18 th (BusinessWeek2006) (BusinessWeek2006)

學校簡介 - Students Degree-seeking undergrads: 4,656 Graduate enrollment: 2,069 1st-year students: 24% In-state students 76% Out-of-state students 42% Women 58% Men <1% American Indian/Alaskan Native 5% Asian/Pacific Islander 1% Black/Non-Hispanic 2% Hispanic 84% White/Non-Hispanic 2% Non-Resident Alien 5% Race/ethnicity unreported Source:

環境介紹 - Bethlehem Bethlehem, founded in 1741, The Christmas City Bethlehem is a city of nearly 72,000 people in eastern Pennsylvania - a city known for its rich colonial and industrial history. Today Bethlehem is experiencing an economic and cultural renaissance promising a future as bright as the city's past. City of Bethlehem

重要注意事項 Law - No alcohol in public - Others Safe Snow - snow urgency - snow driving Driving 初到美國 該帶什麼呢 ?

食衣住行育樂 Graduate Student Housing ( Saucon Village Apartments ) - Approximately two miles from the lower campus. - The apartments are unfurnished but provided with a telephone, TV, cable, oven, range, and refrigerator-freezer. - Bus service is available from Saucon Village to campus Monday through Friday during scheduled runs. - Difficult to apply - For more information on graduate housing, contact the Office of Residential Services at (610) or

食衣住行育樂 Off-campus housing

食衣住行育樂 Graduate student life Lehigh life Lehigh Portal Web LUNA – News LUNA - Sales

問題解答 Refer to the word file

Q & A