Key To College Presentation: Preparing for the College Transition By KCI-to-CKI Chair Gerard Sukhram By KCI-to-CKI Chair Gerard Sukhram
Choosing a School Public Universities (4-year) Community Colleges (2-year) Private Colleges (4-year) Things to consider: Living arrangements, Campus population, Degrees offered, Tuition costs Visiting a school is often the best way to make a final decision Public Universities (4-year) Community Colleges (2-year) Private Colleges (4-year) Things to consider: Living arrangements, Campus population, Degrees offered, Tuition costs Visiting a school is often the best way to make a final decision
Applying to Schools The Common Application Mailing vs. Online Applications Early Decision/Early Action Don’t procrastinate - apply early! Make every word and detail count Don’t forget anything (supplements, essays, etc.) The Common Application Mailing vs. Online Applications Early Decision/Early Action Don’t procrastinate - apply early! Make every word and detail count Don’t forget anything (supplements, essays, etc.)
Paying for College Check out FAFSA State Grants Scholarships (Academic, Sports, Majors/Minors) Student Loans Jobs (On and Off-Campus) Check out FAFSA State Grants Scholarships (Academic, Sports, Majors/Minors) Student Loans Jobs (On and Off-Campus)
Classes: It’s What You’re Here For, Right? Taking Core Classes Pick a schedule that works Choosing a major will help you get into competitive classes Find out who the good professors are - use your resources Pick a good academic advisor who will steer you the right way Taking Core Classes Pick a schedule that works Choosing a major will help you get into competitive classes Find out who the good professors are - use your resources Pick a good academic advisor who will steer you the right way
Classes: It’s What You’re Here For, Right? Your course syllabus is your Bible Always check your ! Make sure your classes satisfy your major/minor Ask anyone and everyone for advice, but always enjoy what you take Go to class. Just do it. Your course syllabus is your Bible Always check your ! Make sure your classes satisfy your major/minor Ask anyone and everyone for advice, but always enjoy what you take Go to class. Just do it.
Living Arrangements Dorming (On-Campus) Get to know your roommate via facebook, AIM, , etc. before move-in day Campus accessibility Apartments (Off-Campus) Shop around - may be less expensive Choose how many people you live with Dorming (On-Campus) Get to know your roommate via facebook, AIM, , etc. before move-in day Campus accessibility Apartments (Off-Campus) Shop around - may be less expensive Choose how many people you live with
Staying in the K-Family: Key Club to Circle K Keep the Relationships Formed in Key Club (Friends, Advisors, Kiwanians, etc.) Service, Leadership, and Fellowship More Student Lead (Less Advisor Involvement) More Freedom With Projects (no age limitations) University/College Resources Keep the Relationships Formed in Key Club (Friends, Advisors, Kiwanians, etc.) Service, Leadership, and Fellowship More Student Lead (Less Advisor Involvement) More Freedom With Projects (no age limitations) University/College Resources
Keep Yourself Busy, and Always Have Fun! Stay healthy - the gym and intramural sports can be a great way to meet people! Greek Life Clubs - Service organizations (CIRCLE K!), interest clubs, honors societies, publications Find out where to have fun near campus (movies, malls, etc.) Stay healthy - the gym and intramural sports can be a great way to meet people! Greek Life Clubs - Service organizations (CIRCLE K!), interest clubs, honors societies, publications Find out where to have fun near campus (movies, malls, etc.)
Tips and Tricks If you live in a dorm, keep your door open when you are inside. Lock it when you are not. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ! Stay healthy. Avoid the dreaded Freshman Fifteen. Manage your time and don’t forget to sleep! If you live in a dorm, keep your door open when you are inside. Lock it when you are not. ALWAYS CHECK YOUR ! Stay healthy. Avoid the dreaded Freshman Fifteen. Manage your time and don’t forget to sleep!