Energy Beyond Hydropower Atlas Chapter 13 Figure 13.1 – Energy Consumption No PNW sources of natural gas or crude oil Refining crude oil – 4 north Puget Sound refineries; historic use of Canadian crude; imported crude (Alaska, Far East) Changing supply situation, Alaskan Oil
Prudoe Bay Trans- Alaska Pipeline West coast oil movements, Canadian production, Alberta, McKenzie River Delta Natural gas from North Slope
A 2011 document from the State of Alaska
Alaska Natural Gas TransCanada Pipeline Proposal Canadian portion currently not being developed
Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline A proposed joint project of ExxonMobil, BP, ConocoPhillips, TransCanada Corp. Agreements signed in January 2014 now before Alaska Legislature for approval State of Alaska could be an equity partner Would lead to an LNG facility for export Would require Federal approval for export Possible future link into the proposed TransCanada pipeline into Canada
Rising Levels of LNG Shipments
TransCanada Pipelines
Recent Growth In U.S. Oil Output The growth of oil shale output via “fracking” – North Dakota, Montana Movement of some of this oil to Washington refineries on the B-N route Environmental concerns, increased traffic, increased competition for movement of other commodities Coal export terminal proposals
Other Energy Sources Wind Solar Natural Gas generators Ongoing Northwest Power & Conservation Council Assessments
A wind-farm like being built very rapidly in the Northwest, but this picture was taken near Jaisilimar India. could be Vantage