Slippery Rock Universtiy By: Katy Keller
Majors and Minors
Admission Requirements o looking for students who: have a B average the year they apply have done all the pre college preparation have an above average score on SAT's or ACT's 3.0 GPA 950 on critical reading and math SAT scores and curriculium of college prep
Required for applying Completed undergraduate application Trascripts of your high school senior year classes SAT or ACT scores and a $30.00 application fee
Athletics MENS o Baseball Basketball o Cross Country Football o Soccer Indoor Track o Outdoor Track WOMANS Basketball o Cross Country Feild Hockey o Indoor track Lacrosse o Outdoor Track Soccer o Softball Tennis o Volleyball
Intramurals Badminton basketball bocceball broom ball flag football floor hockey funruns golf innertube water polo racquetball rock climbing soccer softball swimming tennis volleyball walleyball wrestling
Sororities top 5 Alpha Kappa Alpha encourages scholastics in high school and ethical standards. they maintain an advanced interest in college life. Alpha Omicron Pi National orgaization and promoting sisterhood. Alpha Sigma Tau "Promotes ethical, cultural, and social develpoment of its members" Alpha Xi Delta Personal development and individual excelence Delta Zeta Bonds of sincere lasting friendship
Fraternities Alpha Sigma Phi Social Frat that helps the communtity Kappa Sigma does community service to make college experience more fullfilling. Pi Kappa Alpha "scholars, leaders, athletes, and gentlemen" Pi Kappa Phi Men character through service, leadership, sportsmanship, and academics Sigma Tau Gamma Better mens college experience
clubs and organizations At Slippery Rock University there are alot of activities and organizations that you can join. some include: Musical Therapy Club Pre-Physical Therapy Club Army ROTC Athletic Training Club
Living on Campus All freshman are required to live on campus unless they are living at home with their parents. After living on campus they can stay in the residential hall or move into a Rock Apartment or off campus apartments. Freshman can choose which residential hall they would like to live in, if you would like to request someone to live with, it must be done before housing assignments are made.