Alvin, the most famous and accomplished of the small research submarines, is reaching the end of its operational life. Fig. 4-CO, p. 97
Figure 4. 1: Seamen handling the steam winch aboard HMS Challenger Figure 4.1: Seamen handling the steam winch aboard HMS Challenger. The winch was used to lower a weight on the end of a line to the seabed to find the ocean depth. This illustration is from the Challenger Report (1880). Fig. 4-1, p. 99
Fig. 4-2a, p. 100 Figure 4.2: How an echo sounder operates. (a) Echo sounders sense the contour of the seafloor by beaming sound waves to the bottom and measuring the time required for the sound waves to bounce back to the ship. If the round-trip travel time and wave velocity are known, distance to the bottom can be calculated. The depth is equal to the velocity of sound waves in seawater (V) times one-half the time (T) required for sound to travel from the source to the bottom and back to the receiver. Fig. 4-2a, p. 100
Beam of sound waves travels to bottom and is reflected back to ship Depth = V (T/2) Figure 4.2: How an echo sounder operates. (a) Echo sounders sense the contour of the seafloor by beaming sound waves to the bottom and measuring the time required for the sound waves to bounce back to the ship. If the round-trip travel time and wave velocity are known, distance to the bottom can be calculated. The depth is equal to the velocity of sound waves in seawater (V) times one-half the time (T) required for sound to travel from the source to the bottom and back to the receiver. Fig. 4-2a, p. 100
Fig. 4-2b, p. 100 Figure 4.2: How an echo sounder operates. (b) The accuracy of an echo sounder can be affected by water conditions and bottom contours. The pulses of sound energy, or “pings,” from the sounder spread out in a narrow cone as they travel from the ship. When depth is great, the sounds reflect from a large area of seabed. Because the first sound of the returning echo is used to sense depth, measurements over deep depressions are often inaccurate. Fig. 4-2b, p. 100
echo sounder (beam angle is exaggerated) Measured depth is less than actual depth Sound beam emitted by echo sounder (beam angle is exaggerated) Measured depth equals true depth beneath vessel True depth immediately Seafloor Figure 4.2: How an echo sounder operates. (b) The accuracy of an echo sounder can be affected by water conditions and bottom contours. The pulses of sound energy, or “pings,” from the sounder spread out in a narrow cone as they travel from the ship. When depth is great, the sounds reflect from a large area of seabed. Because the first sound of the returning echo is used to sense depth, measurements over deep depressions are often inaccurate. Fig. 4-2b, p. 100
Fig. 4-2c, p. 100 Figure 4.2: How an echo sounder operates. (c) An echo sounder trace. A sound pulse from a ship is reflected off the seabed and returns to the ship. Transit time provides a measure of depth. For example, it takes about 2 seconds for a sound pulse to strike the bottom and return to the ship when the water depth is 1,500 meters (4,900 feet). Bottom contours are revealed as the ship sails a steady course. In this trace, the horizontal axis represents the course of the ship; the vertical axis represents the water depth. The ship has sailed over a small submarine canyon. Fig. 4-2c, p. 100
Figure 4.3: Marie Tharp and geologist Bruce Heezen study the final version of Heinrich Berann’s World Ocean Floor Panorama in Berann’s studio, Austria, 1977. Berann was engaged by the U.S. Navy and the National Geographic Society to incorporate Tharp’s work and data from other sources in a unified form. One of Berann’s beautiful maps is included as Figure 4.22. Fig. 4-3, p. 101
Fig. 4-4a, p. 101 Figure 4.4: How a multibeam system collects data. (a) A multibeam echo sounder uses as many as 121 beams radiating from a ship’s hull. Fanning out at right angles to the direction of travel, these beams can cover a 120 arc and measure a swath of bottom about 3.4 times as wide as the water is deep. Typically, a “ping” is sent toward the seabed every 10 seconds. Listening devices record sounds reflected from the bottom, but only from the narrow corridors corresponding to the outgoing pulse. Thus, a multibeam system is much less susceptible to contour error than the single-beam device shown in Figure 4.2. Fig. 4-4a, p. 101
Fig. 4-4b, p. 101 Figure 4.4: How a multibeam system collects data. (b) A multibeam record of a fragment of seafloor near the East Pacific Rise south of the tip of Baja California, Mexico. The uneven coverage reflects the path of the ship across the surface. Detailed analysis requires sailing a careful back-and-forth pattern. Computer processing provides extraordinarily detailed images, such as those in Figures 4.12, 4.13, and 4.14. Fig. 4-4b, p. 101
(a) ABE being launched from a Woods Hole ship. Box 4-1a, p. 102
(b) A typical mission profile for ABE (b) A typical mission profile for ABE. After checking its onboard systems, the autonomous explorer spirals to its working depth with the aid of a heavy weight. It jettisons the weight, becomes neutrally buoyant, and begins to “mow the lawn” with its multibeam sensors. It then moves to another area and descends closer to the seabed to take photographs or use its magnetic sensors. When the mission is complete and the batteries depleted, ABE will jettison a second set of weights and rise to the surface (not shown). Box 4-1b, p. 103
500 1,000 1,500 Depth (m) 2,000 −200 (b) A typical mission profile for ABE. After checking its onboard systems, the autonomous explorer spirals to its working depth with the aid of a heavy weight. It jettisons the weight, becomes neutrally buoyant, and begins to “mow the lawn” with its multibeam sensors. It then moves to another area and descends closer to the seabed to take photographs or use its magnetic sensors. When the mission is complete and the batteries depleted, ABE will jettison a second set of weights and rise to the surface (not shown). −400 X (m) 2,500 −600 −800 3,000 −5,000 −5,500 −6,000 Y (m) Box 4-1b, p. 103
(c) A multibeam bathymetric map made from the dive in Figure b. Box 4-1c, p. 103
49 46.5 49 46.0 Latitude 49 45.5 (c) A multibeam bathymetric map made from the dive in Figure b. −130 −130 −130 −130 −16.5 −16.0 −15.5 −15.0 Longitude Box 4-1c, p. 103
Fig. 4-5a, p. 104 Figure 4.5: Satellite altimetry. (a) Geosat, a U.S. Navy satellite that operated from 1985 through 1990, provided measurements of sea-surface height from orbit. Moving above the ocean surface at 7 kilometers (4 miles) a second, Geosat bounced a thousand pulses of radar energy off the ocean every second; its measurements were accurate to within 0.03 meter (1 inch). Fig. 4-5a, p. 104
Figure 4.5: Satellite altimetry. (b) Differences in sea-surface height above a seabed feature are caused by the extra gravitational attraction of the feature, which “pulls” water toward it from the sides and forms a mound of water over itself.
Geosat Orbit h Sea Surface Ocean Seafloor Crust Fig. 4-5b, p. 104 Figure 4.5: Satellite altimetry. (b) Differences in sea-surface height above a seabed feature are caused by the extra gravitational attraction of the feature, which “pulls” water toward it from the sides and forms a mound of water over itself. Sea Surface Ocean Seafloor Crust Fig. 4-5b, p. 104
Fig. 4-5c, p. 104 Figure 4.5: Satellite altimetry. (c) This view of the complex system of ridges, trenches, and fracture zones on the south Atlantic seafloor east of the tips of South America and Antarctica’s Palmer Peninsula was derived in large part from Geosat data declassified by the U.S. Navy in 1995. Fig. 4-5c, p. 104
Figure 4.6: Cross sections of the Atlantic Ocean basin and the continental United States, showing the range of elevations. The vertical exaggeration is 100:1. Although ocean depth is clearly greater than the average height of the continent, the general range of contours is similar. Fig. 4-6, p. 105
Figure 4.6: Cross sections of the Atlantic Ocean basin and the continental United States, showing the range of elevations. The vertical exaggeration is 100:1. Although ocean depth is clearly greater than the average height of the continent, the general range of contours is similar. Fig. 4-6a, p. 105
Figure 4.6: Cross sections of the Atlantic Ocean basin and the continental United States, showing the range of elevations. The vertical exaggeration is 100:1. Although ocean depth is clearly greater than the average height of the continent, the general range of contours is similar. Fig. 4-6b, p. 105
Appalachian Mountains Height in meters Height in feet Sierra Nevada Rocky Mountains 4,572 15,000 3,048 Appalachian Mountains 10,000 1,524 5,000 –1,524 –5,000 –3,048 –10,000 –4,572 –15,000 –6,096 South America Atlantic Ridge Africa –20,000 100 200 300 400 500 Horizontal scale in nautical miles Figure 4.6: Cross sections of the Atlantic Ocean basin and the continental United States, showing the range of elevations. The vertical exaggeration is 100:1. Although ocean depth is clearly greater than the average height of the continent, the general range of contours is similar. Depth in feet 200 400 600 800 926 Depth in meters Horizontal scale in kilometers Vertical x 100 Fig. 4-6b, p. 105
Figure 4.7: A graph showing the distribution of elevations and depths on Earth. There are two dominant levels on our planet, one exposed and the other submerged. This curve is not a land-to-sea profile of Earth, but rather a plot of the area of Earth’s surface above any given elevation or depth below sea level. Note that more than half of Earth’s solid surface is at least 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) below sea level. The average depth of the world ocean (3,796 meters, or 12,451 feet) is much greater than the average height of the continents (840 meters, or 2,760 feet). Fig. 4-7, p. 105
Earth’s area (hundreds of millions of square kilometers) Mount Everest 8.85 km (5.5 mi) Elevation (kilometers) Elevation (miles) Mean land elevation 840 m (2,760 ft) Sea level Mean depth of sea 3,796 m (12,451 ft) Depth (miles) Figure 4.7: A graph showing the distribution of elevations and depths on Earth. There are two dominant levels on our planet, one exposed and the other submerged. This curve is not a land-to-sea profile of Earth, but rather a plot of the area of Earth’s surface above any given elevation or depth below sea level. Note that more than half of Earth’s solid surface is at least 3,000 meters (10,000 feet) below sea level. The average depth of the world ocean (3,796 meters, or 12,451 feet) is much greater than the average height of the continents (840 meters, or 2,760 feet). Depth (kilometers) Mariana Trench ~11 km % Earth’s area at this elevation or higher Fig. 4-7, p. 105
Figure 4.8: A cross section of a typical ocean basin flanked by passive continental margins. The vertical scale has been greatly exaggerated to emphasize the basin contours. Fig. 4-8, p. 106
Submarine canyon profile (cut through continental shelf) Sediment Continental margin Deep-ocean basin Continental margin Submarine canyon profile (cut through continental shelf) Sediment Continental shelf Continental slope Oceanic ridge Sediment Continental rise Continental crust (granitic) Continental crust (granitic) Figure 4.8: A cross section of a typical ocean basin flanked by passive continental margins. The vertical scale has been greatly exaggerated to emphasize the basin contours. Oceanic crust (basaltic) Oceanic crust (basaltic) Asthenosphere Fig. 4-8, p. 106
Figure 4.9: Features of Earth’s solid surface shown as percentages of the planet’s total surface. Fig. 4-9, p. 106
Continental shelves and slopes Continental mountains 10.3% Ocean 70.8% Land 29.2% Oceanic ridges 22.1% Continental lowlands 18.9% Continental shelves and slopes 11.4% Ocean basin floors 29.8% Figure 4.9: Features of Earth’s solid surface shown as percentages of the planet’s total surface. Volcanic island arcs, trenches, submarine volcanoes, and hills 3.7% Continental rise 3.8% Oceanic crust Continental crust Fig. 4-9, p. 106
Figure 4.10: Typical continental margins bordering the tectonically active (Pacific-type) and tectonically passive (Atlantic-type) edges of a moving continent. The vertical scale has been exaggerated. Fig. 4-10, p. 107
An active margin A passive margin Narrow continental shelf A passive margin Peru–Chile Trench Plate boundary Andes Mountains Plate boundary Broad continental shelf South America Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean South American Plate Deep basin Nazca Plate African Plate Plate movement Plate movement Plate movement Subduction zone (deep and shallow earthquakes) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (spreading centers, shallow earthquakes) Figure 4.10: Typical continental margins bordering the tectonically active (Pacific-type) and tectonically passive (Atlantic-type) edges of a moving continent. The vertical scale has been exaggerated. Fig. 4-10, p. 107
Figure 4.11: The features of a passive continental margin. Fig. 4-11, p. 108
Continental margin Continental shelf Distance from shore (miles) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Continental margin Continental shelf Sea level Shelf break (~140 m, 460 ft) 1 Continental rise Depth (km) 1 (sediment thickness varies) 2 Depth (miles) 3 Continental slope 2 4 Deep-ocean floor 3 5 Figure 4.11: The features of a passive continental margin. 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 Vertical exaggeration 50:1. Distance from shore (km) Sea level Depth (km) 4 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 No vertical exaggeration. Fig. 4-11, p. 108
Figure 4. 12: A cliff more than 1 Figure 4.12: A cliff more than 1.6 kilometers (1 mile) high marks the edge of the continental shelf west of central Florida. The very steep continental slope seen here is unusual. Perhaps fresh water seeping from the adjacent land undermined the slope and caused it to collapse. Currents have removed much of the material that would otherwise be found at the base of the slope. Vertical exaggeration is about 50:1. Multibeam systems were used to obtain data for this image (and for Figures 4.13 and 4.14). Fig. 4-12, p. 108
Figure 4.13: The broad continental shelf along the edge of the Gulf of Mexico south of Texas and Louisiana (looking east). Sediments carried by the Mississippi River have overlain ancient salt deposits. The weight of the sediments causes salt domes to form and dissolve, leaving pockmarks in the continental shelf. Fig. 4-13, p. 109
Figure 4.14: The complex continental shelf off central California, typical of an active margin. Compare to Figure 4.12. Fig. 4-14, p. 109
Figure 4.15: Changes in sea level over the last 250,000 years, as traced by data taken from ocean-floor cores. The rise and fall of sea level is due largely to the coming and going of ice ages—periods of increased and decreased glaciation, respectively. Because water that formed the ice-age glaciers came from the ocean, sea level dropped. Point a indicates a low stand of 125 meters (410 feet) at the climax of the last ice age some 18,000 years ago. Point b indicates a high stand of 6 meters (19.7 feet) during the last interglacial period about 120,000 years ago. Point c shows the present sea level. Sea level continues to rise as we emerge from the last ice age and enter an accelerating period of global warming. Fig. 4-15, p. 110
Height above or below present sea level (ft) Today’s sea level Height above or below present sea level (m) Height above or below present sea level (ft) –130 –426 Figure 4.15: Changes in sea level over the last 250,000 years, as traced by data taken from ocean-floor cores. The rise and fall of sea level is due largely to the coming and going of ice ages—periods of increased and decreased glaciation, respectively. Because water that formed the ice-age glaciers came from the ocean, sea level dropped. Point a indicates a low stand of 125 meters (410 feet) at the climax of the last ice age some 18,000 years ago. Point b indicates a high stand of 6 meters (19.7 feet) during the last interglacial period about 120,000 years ago. Point c shows the present sea level. Sea level continues to rise as we emerge from the last ice age and enter an accelerating period of global warming. 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 Years before present Fig. 4-15, p. 110
Figure 4.16: A submarine canyon. Fig. 4-16, p. 111
Canyon heads Shelf break Continental shelf Deep-sea fan Continental slope Distribution channel Figure 4.16: A submarine canyon. Fig. 4-16, p. 111
Figure 4.17: A multibeam sonar image of Hudson Canyon east of New Jersey. The shelf in this area is broad. The canyon can be seen nicking the shelf–slope junction and then continuing toward the abyssal plain to the southwest. The underwater topography has been exaggerated by a factor of 5 relative to the land topography. The fine black line marks sea level. Fig. 4-17, p. 111
Figure 4.18: A turbidity current flowing down a submerged slope off the island of Jamaica. A turbidity current is not propelled by the water within it but by gravity. The propeller of a submarine caused the turbidity current by disturbing sediment along the slope. Fig. 4-18, p. 112
Figure 4.19: A continuous cascade of sediment at the head of San Lucas submarine canyon (off the coast of Baja California, Mexico), which assists in eroding the narrow gorge in conjunction with occasional turbidity currents. About 200,000 cubic meters (260,000 cubic yards) of sediment flows annually into the head of Scripps Canyon, a slightly larger submarine canyon north of San Diego, California. Fig. 4-19, p. 112
Figure 4.20: Large stationary waves of sediment deposited at the base of the continental rise in the western North Atlantic. Deep boundary currents pick up sediments and sweep them across the ocean floor. As the currents are forced around bends and across depressions, they slow and deposit the suspended material at the base of the rises in the form of ridges or mud waves. Fig. 4-20, p. 112
Feet Meters 4,390 14,400 15,000 4,570 Figure 4.20: Large stationary waves of sediment deposited at the base of the continental rise in the western North Atlantic. Deep boundary currents pick up sediments and sweep them across the ocean floor. As the currents are forced around bends and across depressions, they slow and deposit the suspended material at the base of the rises in the form of ridges or mud waves. 1 2 3 4 5 Miles 15,600 4,760 1 2 3 4 5 6 Kilometers Depth Fig. 4-20, p. 112
Figure 4.21a: The oceanic ridge system (in colors) stretches some 65,000 kilometers (40,000 miles) around Earth. If the ocean evaporated, the ridge system would surely be Earth’s most remarkable and obvious feature. The thickness of the red lines indicates the rate of spreading for some of the most rapidly spreading sections, and the numbers give spreading rates in centimeters per year. The East Pacific Rise typically spreads about 6 times as fast as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Fig. 4-21a, p. 114
Mid-Atlantic Ridge Juan de Fuca Ridge Indian Ridge 2.6 East Pacific Rise (Ridge) 3.8 5.5 15.7 2.8 10.7 9.5 9.5 Indian Ridge Figure 4.21a: The oceanic ridge system (in colors) stretches some 65,000 kilometers (40,000 miles) around Earth. If the ocean evaporated, the ridge system would surely be Earth’s most remarkable and obvious feature. The thickness of the red lines indicates the rate of spreading for some of the most rapidly spreading sections, and the numbers give spreading rates in centimeters per year. The East Pacific Rise typically spreads about 6 times as fast as the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. 6.4 6.4 Pacific–Antarctic Ridge 1.5 Fig. 4-21a, p. 114
Figure 4.21b: Rapid spreading at the East Pacifi c Rise (lower image) spreads ridge features over a greater area. The slower spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge concentrates the features in a smaller area with more pronounced contours. The relatively slow-spreading ridge is shown in more detail in Figure 4.23a. From J. A. Goff, W. H. F. Smith, K. M. Marks “The Contributions of Abyssal Hill Morphology and Noise to Altimetric Gravity Fabric” Oceanography Magazine Vol. 17, No. 1, page 36. Reprinted by permission of Oceanography Magazine/The Oceanography Society. Fig. 4-21b, p. 114
Figure 4.22: Heinrich Berann’s hand-drawn map of a portion of the Atlantic Ocean floor showing some major oceanic features: oceanic ridge, transform faults, fracture zones, submarine canyons, seamounts, continental rises, trenches, and abyssal plains. Depths are in feet. The map is vertically exaggerated. Fig. 4-22, p. 115
Figure 4.23a: The fine structure of the central portion of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between Florida and western Africa. The depressed central valley (the spreading center, shown in blue) is clearly visible in this computer-generated multibeam image. Fig. 4-23a, p. 116
Figure 4.23b: As this seismic profile shows, the rugged relief of the North Atlantic’s oceanic ridge is gradually being buried by slowly accumulating sediments. Fig. 4-23b, p. 116
3,940 meters; 12,000 feet 4,400 meters; 14,400 feet 28°N 50°W Figure 4.23b: As this seismic profile shows, the rugged relief of the North Atlantic’s oceanic ridge is gradually being buried by slowly accumulating sediments. 10 miles 16 kilometers Fig. 4-23b, p. 116
Figure 4.24: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge comes ashore in southwestern Iceland. The central rift (similar to that seen as the blue-colored contour in Figure 4.23a) is the valley in the middle distance. Notice the linear hills paralleling the rift and the steam issuing from thermal vents. If this part of the rift were submerged, these fumaroles would be hydrothermal vents similar to the one seen in Figure 4.26. Reykjavik, Iceland’s largest city, is supplied with domestic hot water, hot water for space heating, and geothermally generated electricity from this valley. Fig. 4-24, pp. 116-117
Figure 4.25: Transform faults and fracture zones along an oceanic ridge. Transform faults are fractures along which lithospheric plates slide horizontally past one another. Transform faults are the active part of fracture zones. (For a larger-scale look at this process, please review Figure 3.25.) Fig. 4-25, p. 118
Fracture zone (inactive) Fracture zone (inactive) Plate boundary Oceanic ridge Adjacent sections here move in same direction Sections here move in opposite directions Adjacent sections here move in same direction Fracture zone (inactive) Transform fault (active part of fracture zone) Fracture zone (inactive) Figure 4.25: Transform faults and fracture zones along an oceanic ridge. Transform faults are fractures along which lithospheric plates slide horizontally past one another. Transform faults are the active part of fracture zones. (For a larger-scale look at this process, please review Figure 3.25.) Lithosphere Asthenosphere Fig. 4-25, p. 118
Figure 4.26: A black smoker discovered at a depth of about 2,800 meters (9,200 feet) along the East Pacific Rise. Fig. 4-26, p. 119
Figure 4.27: A cross section of the central part of an oceanic ridge—similar to that shown in Figure 4.23a—showing the origin of hydrothermal vents. Cool water (blue arrows) is heated as it descends toward the hot magma chamber, leaching sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, and other materials from the surrounding rocks. The heated water (red arrows) returning to the surface carries these elements upward, discharging them at hydrothermal springs on the seafloor (or, rarely, as in the case in Iceland and Figure 4.24, to land). The areas around the vents support unique communities of organisms (see Chapter 16). Fig. 4-27, p. 119
Hydrothermal vents and black smokers Distance (km) 3 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 Distance (mi) Spreading axis Hydrothermal vents and black smokers Figure 4.27: A cross section of the central part of an oceanic ridge—similar to that shown in Figure 4.23a—showing the origin of hydrothermal vents. Cool water (blue arrows) is heated as it descends toward the hot magma chamber, leaching sulfur, iron, copper, zinc, and other materials from the surrounding rocks. The heated water (red arrows) returning to the surface carries these elements upward, discharging them at hydrothermal springs on the seafloor (or, rarely, as in the case in Iceland and Figure 4.24, to land). The areas around the vents support unique communities of organisms (see Chapter 16). Zone of leaching Depth (km) 1 Depth (mi) Ascending superheated seawater Descending seawater 1 2 Magma chamber Fig. 4-27, p. 119
Figure 4.28: The deep, smooth sediments of the Atlantic’s Northern Madeira Abyssal Plain bury 100-million-year-old mountains. The image was generated by a powerful echo sounder. Fig. 4-28, p. 120
Figure 4. 29a: The process by which guyots (G) and seamounts (S) form Figure 4.29a: The process by which guyots (G) and seamounts (S) form. Guyots have flat tops because they were once tall enough to be eroded by waves at the ocean’s surface. Seamounts have a similar origin but retain their more pointed volcano shape because they never reached the surface. Fig. 4-29a, p. 120
Older, extinct volcanoes Older, extinct volcanoes Inactive sinking volcano being "shaved" at ocean surface Active volcanoes Older, extinct volcanoes Older, extinct volcanoes Spreading center Sea level G S G G G G S G Magma chambers Lithosphere Figure 4.29a: The process by which guyots (G) and seamounts (S) form. Guyots have flat tops because they were once tall enough to be eroded by waves at the ocean’s surface. Seamounts have a similar origin but retain their more pointed volcano shape because they never reached the surface. Asthenosphere G = guyot S = seamount 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 Age of ocean floor (millions of years) Fig. 4-29a, p. 120
Figure 4.29b: An undersea volcano east of the easternmost island of the Samoan chain in the Pacific. Vailulu’u, as it has been named, rises from an ocean depth of 4,800 meters (15,700 feet) to within 590 meters (1,900 feet) of the ocean surface. Fig. 4-29b, p. 121
169°08'W 168°04'W 14°12'S 169°00'W Figure 4.29b: An undersea volcano east of the easternmost island of the Samoan chain in the Pacific. Vailulu’u, as it has been named, rises from an ocean depth of 4,800 meters (15,700 feet) to within 590 meters (1,900 feet) of the ocean surface. 14°16'S 168°56'W 14°20'S 168°52'W 14°24'S Depth (m) −5,000 −4,000 −3,000 −2,000 −1,000 −16,404 −13,123 −9,843 −6,562 −3,281 Depth (ft) Fig. 4-29b, p. 121
Figure 4.29c: A new volcano grew inside Vailulu’u between 1999 and 2005. Fig. 4-29c, p. 121
Figure 4. 30: Oceanic trenches of the world Figure 4.30: Oceanic trenches of the world. Note their prevalence in the active Pacific. Fig. 4-30, p. 122
Kermadec–Tonga Trench Kuril Trench Aleutian Trench Philippine Trench Japan Trench Puerto Rico Trench Mariana Trench Challenger Deep Middle America Trench Kermadec–Tonga Trench Java Trench New Hebrides Trench Peru–Chile Trench Figure 4.30: Oceanic trenches of the world. Note their prevalence in the active Pacific. South Sandwich Trench Fig. 4-30, p. 122
Figure 4. 31: The Mariana Trench Figure 4.31: The Mariana Trench. (a) Comparing the Challenger Deep and Mount Everest at the same scale shows that the deepest part of the Mariana Trench is about 20% as deep as the mountain is high. (b) The Mariana Trench shown without vertical exaggeration. Fig. 4-31, p. 123
Mount Everest (...same scale) Challenger Deep Guam Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean Depth (km) Depth (mi) Mount Everest (...same scale) Challenger Deep Figure 4.31: The Mariana Trench. (a) Comparing the Challenger Deep and Mount Everest at the same scale shows that the deepest part of the Mariana Trench is about 20% as deep as the mountain is high. (b) The Mariana Trench shown without vertical exaggeration. Guam Mariana Trench Fig. 4-31, p. 123
Figure 4.32: A technological tour de force: a map that shows all the features discussed in this chapter, derived from data provided to the National Geophysical Data Center from satellites and shipborne sensors. These features—and a basic understanding of the geological reasons for their existence—will help you recall the dramatic nature and history of the seafloor that we have discussed in the past two chapters. Fig. 4-32, pp. 124-125