Technical Assistance Paper Program Year Miami-Dade County Public Schools Adult ESOL Program presents: ADULT ESOL Technical Assistance Paper
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Get to know OneNote Training Agenda Introductions Overview: History and Purpose of TA paper Content: Review of content per section Introduction: Administrative Promotion process Open Forum: Q & A Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Overview: Need: Adult ESOL Technical Assistance Paper Consistency Clarification of newly-implemented changes Dissemination of accurate information Technical Assistance Paper 2006 Purpose: Adult ESOL Technical Assistance Paper Single living document to facilitate implementation Accurate resource for all staff members One binder to incorporate new documents
Get to know OneNote Content Review General Information Changes for Program Year Adult ESOL Programs Curriculum CASAS Assessment System Instructional Tips and Assistance Toolkit – Technical Assistance Checklists Directory Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote General Information Adult ESOL Program Overview List of State-approved Courses, program numbers and process used to document gains Summary of guidelines used for placement, progress and assessment Procedures to follow to document Literacy Completion Points Florida Adult ESOL Practitioners Task Force information Florida Regional Training Council (RTC) information Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Changes for Program Year Summary of changes for Program Year Chart illustrating program prior to and after changes Name changes for Program # New Requirement for Workplace Readiness Skills for LEP Adult program Changes to Procedures for reporting instructional hours/FTE Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Adult ESOL Programs Each program will have a section with the following information: Brief course description Key Points User’s Guide State of Florida Curriculum Syllabus (i) Power Point Presentation Programs that did not undergo changes will not have a Key Point handout or a power point presentation. In plastic Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Curriculum Summary of curriculum for each program Literacy for Adult ESOL – Adult English Literacy (core ESOL) – English Literacy for Career & Technical Education – ELCATE – English Literacy Academic Skills – Workplace Readiness Skills for the LEP Adult – Citizenship Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote CASAS Summary of CASAS overview CASAS Practice Items (Official Answer Sheet, Reading Sample Items, and Listening CDs) District CASAS trainings available upon request Modifications for Students with Disabilities Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Instruction Staff development on adult ESOL strategies –Bookmark –Ten Tips for Adult ESOL Instructors –MELT Program –Tutorial Program Curriculum InstructionAssessment Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Adult ESOL Toolkit Program Checklist Self-evaluation tool for administrators and/or program coordinators to assess the overall effectiveness of the Adult ESOL program on and off campus Observable Behavior Checklist Self-evaluation tool for administrators and/or program coordinators to assess instruction in Adult ESOL classes Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Administrative Promotion Process 1. What is the Administrative Promotion Process? A process that allows teachers and administrators to promote adult ESOL students enrolled in Program to the next course level if certain criteria are met. Successful completion of Standardized Syllabus Appropriate CASAS test with score 3 points or less below passing Teacher recommendation and administrator approval Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Administrative Promotion Process 2. Why is it needed? To better service adult ESOL students who have mastered the State curriculum syllabus but did not meet the necessary score on the CASAS exit test. This process encourages persistence and gives students the opportunity to remediate weaknesses without having to repeat an entire level. At the same time it validates our curriculum and testing procedures. Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Administrative Promotion Process 3. What’s next? Taking into account input from the field, the district will revise and finalize the process for implementation in If you have additional suggestions, please Dr. Beatriz Diaz at by Friday, July 21, Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote Thank YOU Program year was successful because you were pro- active in implementing necessary changes and encouraging your teachers to attend professional staff development. Program year will be even better because we have consistent policies in place, outstanding professional staff development opportunities and a living TA paper to keep all of us on the same page. Technical Assistance Paper 2006
Get to know OneNote “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill Technical Assistance Paper 2006