Costa Ndlovu (Senior Primary Nurse/DD link worker) Steven Dilks (Clinical Team Manager/Inpatient Dual Diagnosis Lead)
Introduction to LYPFT, the DD framework and Inpatient Services Inpatient working group Implementation of the action plan Future plans Questions
LYPFT Dual diagnosis framework Inpatient services ◦ Acute ◦ Rehabilitation and recovery (R&R) ◦ Forensic
Why the group was set up Who is in it What is the role of the group and individuals Structure of the meetings Inpatient and R&R action plan How and who the group reports to
Working group been meeting for over a year Development and roll out of a training programme ◦ Level 1 ◦ Level 2 Inpatient pathway (ICP’s) Screening assessments (Audit and ASSIST) Staff net page and shared folders Regular attendance at Network meetings
Roll out of level 2 training with LAU Embedding of the DD pathway (Use of assessments) Audit of prevalence and severity of Dual diagnosis needs Ongoing development of specialist skills and knowledge of the link workers