16+ Learning Choices data hub State of Play 16+LC co-ordinators meeting – 29 August 2011 Fiona McKean SDS Regional Data Sharing Lead
Skills Development Scotland Benefits Use a better data set to provide a more consistent and personalised service: more young people in positive destinations Remove data duplication and gaps to help front-line delivery staff: more effective working Gather and analyse more comprehensive management information: well-informed service delivery decisions Extract information for reporting to Scottish Government and other partners: demonstrate effective contribution to 16+ LC
Skills Development Scotland SDS - Local Authorities - Colleges
Skills Development Scotland
State of Play – Local Authorities 32 signed data sharing agreements (dsa) SG/SDS-led governance group in place and working great input from Angus and Fife to design the LA-end of the IT solutions 8 LAs have piloted –the IT works and the initial feedback is positive preparing for roll-out to all LAs some LAs already keen to consult on sharing Community Learning & Development data
Skills Development Scotland State of Play - Colleges data sharing agreement and protocol developed by SDS, Scotland’s Colleges and SC solicitors sent by SC to all principals in July & invited to Principals’ Forum on 12 September current IT solution is identified governance structure is set up, but keeping it dormant for now
Skills Development Scotland Timetable LA –pilot data sharingJune - August –roll outAugust - September Colleges –sign dsa (majority)September –pilot data sharingSeptember –roll out (majority)October Evaluation October Project close and handover to business (embed as part of Business as Usual) – November