Presented by: Laura Gmeinder Coaching & Consulting, LLC Your WORK. Your LIFE. Your TERMS. March 25, 2015 WOW LaCrosse The Work Life Balance Myth - and- How to Add Passion to Get More Out of Life.
My road less traveled
Work Life Balance Myth
Balance noun bal·ance \ˈba-lən(t)s\ : the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall :the ability to move or to remain in a position without losing control or falling : a state in which different things occur in equal or proper amounts or have an equal or proper amount of importance
Blend verb \ˈblend\ : to mix (things) thoroughly and usually with good results : to exist together as a combination
How Do You Get What You Want… If You Don't Know What You Want?
Bring the Action! The BIG picture.
Bring the Action! Sharing is caring.
Designing Your Blended Life
What do YOU Want?
How Will You Get It?
Missing Ingredients:
Setting the Pace
All in “YES!” or “No WAY, No HOW.”
Mindfulness & Gratitude
Slow Your Roll
Breaking Up with Little Miss Perfect
Jedi Mind Tricks
Turn down the volume of your inner critic. Turn up your intuition.
Reframe your story. Flex your courage muscle.
But always be YOU!
Adding Passion
What do you love to do?
How can you do more of it?
Bring the Action! Lead Your Life
Bring the Action! Sharing is caring.
Deep Thoughts: The value comes from the takeaways. What inspired you? How will you let today’s conversation impact tomorrow?
Thank you! Laura Gmeinder Coaching & Consulting, LLC Your WORK. Your LIFE. Your TERMS