DGA Community Meeting February 14,
DGA Community Meeting: Agenda February 14, 2012 Agenda ItemDiscussion Leader Welcome and IntroductionsMoira Kiltie New RIGE Team MembersMoira Kiltie Updated F&A Rate, SPS Application and the UO Distribution of Funds Moira Kiltie Pre-Award General UpdatesAnalinda Camacho Post-Award General UpdatesMarisa Zuskar 2
Welcome and Introductions 3
New RIGE Team Members 4
Pat Jones Associate Vice President for Business and Research Finance 5
Newly Negotiated F&A Rate 6
Newly Negotiated F&A Rates Negotiated as of December 8, 2011: New rates are effective beginning FY2013 (July 1, 2012) Project TypeCurrent RateNew Rate Research (On-campus)42%45% Research (Off-campus)26% Instruction (On-campus)53%59.4% Instruction (Off-campus)26% Other Sponsored Activities (On-campus)29%30.7% Other Sponsored Activities (Off-campus)23.8%24.3% 7
Application of New F&A Rates New Proposal Submissions: Start Date Prior to July 1: Use OLD Rates Start Date After to July 1: Use NEW Rates Existing Awards: Use the rate in effect at the time the award was made throughout the competitive segment Pending Proposals: Federal Proposals already submitted with a start date after July 1 should use the new rates Proposals submitted prior to the publishing of the updated rates with a start date after July 1, will be further reviewed in RIGE and a joint action plan is being developed Work with your SPS SPA Team to rebudget as needed 8
Distribution of F&A Across Campus FY2011 F&A Allocation 9
Pre-Award General Updates 10
Pre-Award General Updates Major Sponsor Updates and Changes to Know Cost of Living and Inflationary Adjustments NIH Salary Cap EPCS Training Updated QRC 11
Post-Award General Updates 12
Post-Award General Updates Cost Transfer Training Highlights and Process Changes Cost Transfers: Processing and Compliance training was held on February 2 nd Feedback? Another Session will be offered on February 29th – Please Join! Cost Transfer Process Changes New changes to the Cost Transfer Process with be effective this week New Cost Transfer Justification Form (Old form will be accepted through the end of February) New definition of “Late” – 90 days after the month end close of the original posting month Justification form is required for ALL “Late” Cost Transfer – Debits and Credits SPS is “raising the bar” on what will be accepted as justifications 13
Post-Award General Updates GTF Appointments and Allowability & Cost Share In the new budget model – there are only two circumstances when a GTF appointment and remission pay can be different Cost Share (Specific items of cost proposed) Unallowable Costs per Sponsor recommendations The Cost Share examples should be at a minimum Think about Cost Share requirements and the budget model when developing project budgets PRFs for a split charge need to indicate the reason for the split charge in the Remarks section PRFs MUST have SPS SPA Approval indicated on the form via a SPA signature 14
Example PRF Scenario: Graduate Student is working 100% on Grant A Tuition (UO Remission costs) is unallowable on the award Call and verify with your ORSA Post-Award SPA Tuition is unallowable Complete the PRF: 15 Post-Award General Updates
General Updates Open Discussion & Questions 16