1639 Post office Need stamps to mail Send letter to people across town or across the world
1803-Steel ink pen Is used for a permanent way of writing Some come with erasers Its said to be established in Birmingham, England This lead to the pens we had today
1843-typewriter Invented by Charles Thurber Its is a keyboard like tool that was used for writing
1868-electric voice machine The electronic voice machine was created by Thomas Edison
1876-telephone The telephone was created by Alexander Graham Bell A telephone is an electronic device that lets you talk to someone in another house hold by dialing in a number The telephone has played a major roll in the touch screen cell phones many people have today
1877-microphone The microphone was invented by Emile Berliner. It is a device that you speak into and it makes your voice louder
1990-world wide web The world wide web was created by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau Internet all over the world
1998 -Apple imac Computer introduced with a new easy set up
2004-facebook Facebook is a social way to communicate through the internet to your friends
2005-youtube YouTube post comment Upload videos of yourself And watch videos
2006-twitter Twitter! Twit what ever you feel Have funny things to trend about Follow your favorite celebrity
2007-iphone the iphone is a touch screen device that lets you play games, listen to music, text, and call people