Chelsea Welch Tully Baetz Colin Nugen Elisabeth Moger Charles Hartman Anthony Cangelosi
Mission Statement: The BalloonSat, Big Bang, will ascend to an altitude of approximately thirty kilometers carrying a GCK-05 Analog Meter Geiger counter that will detect the amount of radiation in the lower atmosphere. Specifically, how the amount of alpha particles, beta particles and gamma rays varry as a function of altitude. Why: We want to better understand where and when the different layers of the atmosphere filter harmful, cosmic radiation before it reaches the ground. How: From the Geiger counter data we will learn about the radiation environment at various levels of the troposphere and stratosphere.
Design Parts: HOBO Canon A570IS AVR Foam Core Heater 6 x 9 Volt Batteries Geiger Counter PVC Tubing (9 cm) 1/4" Rigid Plastic Insulating Bushing (2)
Analog Meter Geiger Counter (GCK-05 Model) Digital RS-232 Adapter for Analog Geiger Counters
Weight Item Weight (grams) HOBO30g Canon A570IS220g AVR150g Heater100g 6 x 9 Volt Batteries6(33.8) = 202.8g Geiger Counter106g PVC Tubing (9 cm)11.43g 1/4" Rigid Plastic Insulating Bushing (2) 24g Total = g
Budget Item Where We Will Purchase/Order Item Price (U.S. dollars) Analog Meter Geiger Counter (GCK-05 Model) Images Scientific Instruments ( $ Digital RS-232 Adapter for Analog Geiger Counters Images Scientific Instruments ( $ /4" Rigid Plastic Insulating Bushing (2) 2(0.58)=$1.16 ¼” PVC Schedule 40 (1ft)$ x 9 Volt Battery (Geiger Counter) Office Depot$5.89 Total = $205.94
Management NameTasksSystems Responsibilities Colin NugenHelp with building, editing documents,Structure, Science, Research, Power Chelsea Welch Team leader. Finalize documents and reports, and help with building. Structure, Research, Science, Electrical Tully Baetz Conceptual design artist, help with building, editing of documents, team morale booster C&DH, Research, Structure, Science Charles Hartman Structures: design, testing, integrating with other systems, research supplies Research, Structure, Thermal, Science Anthony CangelosiBudget, help with building and testing.C&DH, Research, Science, Power Elisabeth MogerElectrical, building, and testing, and researchScience, Electrical, Power, Structure
Schedule Design CompleteTuesday 9/15/09 Proposal DueThursday 9/17/09 Begin to acquire hardware and materials not ordered. Saturday 9/19/09 Proposal Presentation DueTuesday 9/22/09 Authority to Proceed – Order All Hardware – HW 4 Due. Tuesday 9/29/09 Acquire all necessary hardware. Wednesday 9/30/09 Begin Building StructureThursday 10/1/09 Acquire GCK, Adaptor Kit – Begin Building Monday 10/5/09 Finish Geiger Counter and Adaptor Friday 10/9/09 Test GC and AdaptorSaturday 10/10/09 Incorporate GC into structureSunday 10/11/09 Finish building payloadFriday 10/16/09 Whip/Drop/Stair/Pitch testsSaturday 10/17/09 Revisions where neededSunday 10/18/09 Function Test/RevisionMonday 10/19/09 Cooler Test/RevisionsTuesday 10/20/09 Vacuum TestWednesday 10/21/09 Pay Load Complete Ready to go – Tested Saturday 10/24/09 Pre-Launch InspectionTuesday 10/27/09 In-Class Mission Simulation Test Thursday 10/29/09 Finish BalloonSat Weigh in – Turn in Friday 11/6/09 Launch DaySaturday 11/7/09 Bring Raw flight dataTuesday 11/10/09 Analyze DataThursday 11/12/09 Finish Analyzing DataSunday 11/15/09 Begin Final PresentationMonday 11/16/09 Homework 5Thursday 11/19/09 Finish Final PresentationsFriday 11/27/09 Presentations DueTuesday 12/1/09 Hardware Turn-inTuesday 12/8/09 Homework 6 DueThursday 12/10/09
Biggest Worries: Geiger Counter: Assembly Destroying component(s) Solution: Two or more people checking placements and making sure we don’t fry something with the soldering iron Testing Sealed source may not emit radiation energetic enough for the Geiger counter to detect. Solution: Find someone with access to more radioactive materials Schedule Meeting deadlines Solution: Joint responsibility for most tasks and communication