Antebellum Jeopardy Final Jeopardy GAPIEDMONT ATLANTACHEROKEE Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500
$100 Question from GA What does Antebellum mean?
$100 Answer from GA The society and culture that developed in the South before the Civil War.
$200 Question from GA How did Slavery affect the Baptist and Methodist Churches?
$200 Answer from GA Northern churches broke away from the Southern churches over the issue of slavery.
$300 Question from GA Describe the Geography and Society of the North during this time period.
$300 Answer from GA Industrial Many Cities Natural Harbors People were dependent on one another for goods and services. Expected more services from the Government
$400 Question from GA What law was passed that specifically named one slave state one free state? Hint – truly balancing admission of slave/free states in the National Government
$400 Answer from GA Missouri Compromise 1820 Missouri Slave State Maine Free State
$500 Question from GA Name at least 5 factors that encourage economic prosperity in Antebellum GA
$500 Answer from GA Slavery, Cotton, Plantation System, Railroads, and/or Development of Industries along the Fall Line
$100 Question from PIEDMONT What does Succession mean?
$100 Answer from PIEDMONT To leave a union. In this case, the United States of America.
$200 Question from PIEDMONT What happened to the population of slaves as cotton production increased?
$200 Answer from PIEDMONT The slave population increased.
$300 Question from PIEDMONT What did the Georgia Platform say?
$300 Answer from PIEDMONT Georgia would obey the Compromise of 1850 as long as the North did – Fugitive Slave Act. Georgia would not secede.
$400 Question from PIEDMONT 3 things that the Compromise of 1850 said?
$400 Answer from PIEDMONT California added as a Free State. Fugitive Slave Law passed (North had to return escaped slaves to the South). Popular Sovereignty – New Mexico and Utah would vote to see if slavery would be allowed.
$500 Question from PIEDMONT What were the results of the Dred Scott Case?
$500 Answer from PIEDMONT 1.Dred Scott was property, a slave. 2.A slave did not have the right to sue in US Courts. 3.Congress could not ban slavery in the new western territories.
$100 Question from ATLANTA What is Sectionalism?
$100 Answer from ATLANTA Putting the interests of the region above the nation.
$200 Question from ATLANTA Why was the term “Bleeding Kansas” used to describe Kansas?
$200 Answer from ATLANTA Popular Sovereignty caused Abolitionists and Slavery supporters to rush into the territory – violence broke out.
$300 Question from ATLANTA Describe the Geography and Society (people) of the South
$300 Answer from ATLANTA 1.Rural &Agricultural 2.Plantation system & Slavery 3.Warm climate – fertile top soil 4.People provided for themselves – hunted, farmed, fished. 5.Did not expect services from the government.
$400 Question from ATLANTA How did the rail lines affect Georgia?
$400 Answer from ATLANTA Using the rail lines… Extended cotton growth into the Piedmont. Made transportation of cotton faster and more reliable. Gave planters additional options for shipping cotton.
$500 Question from ATLANTA Why did the geography of Georgia’s Fall Line region attract cotton planters?
$500 Answer from ATLANTA Because of the climate, soil, and how the area created favorable conditions for industry.
$100 Question from CHEROKEE How was popular sovereignty used in the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
$100 Answer from CHEROKEE Voters decided if slavery would be allowed in the new states.
$200 Question from CHEROKEE How did the cotton gin change the geography of GA agriculture?
$200 Answer from CHEROKEE The cotton gin made it possible to grow and process cotton far into the State’s interior.
$300 Question from CHEROKEE Why did the South want land in the west to be distributed quickly & cheaply?
$300 Answer from CHEROKEE So the land could be used as plantations with slave labor.
$400 Question from CHEROKEE How did the North and South feel differently about tariffs?
$400 Answer from CHEROKEE North: wanted protective tariffs so American goods would be cheaper than foreign goods. South: against protective tariffs; they got many goods from Britain.
$500 Question from CHEROKEE How did the North and South feel differently about Nullification?
$500 Answer from CHEROKEE North: Against Nullification – believed that all US laws should be followed. South: For Nullification – believed that all US laws should be followed.
Final Jeopardy How did the South’s economy drive their politics?
Final Jeopardy Answer The South’s economy was based on the Plantation system where Slave labor was used. Southern politics were focuses on protecting slavery to protect the South’s economy.