1 INRA, UMR 0985 ESE, INRA/Agrocampus Ouest, Ecotoxicologie et Qualité des Milieux Aquatiques, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Rennes, France INRA, UE 1036 U3E, Unité Expérimentale d’Ecologie et Ecotoxicologie Aquatique, 65 rue de Saint-Brieuc, Rennes, France 3 ISAE, Institut en Santé Agro-Environnement, France References – [1] Besnard et al Molecular Ecology Resources, Permanent Genetic Resource Note 13: [2] Leinonen et al Nature Reviews Genetics 14, 179–190. [3]Bonnin et al Genetics 143, 1795–1805. [4] Bouétard et al PLoS ONE, 9: e [5] Whitlock. M.C., Guillaume, F Genetics 183, 1055–1063. Objectives Investigate the evolutionary potential of pesticide tolerance in populations of a non-target species Estimate the relative influence of neutral versus selective forces on genetic variation in tolerance Context = ecological risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides Biological relevance of standard toxicity testing: importance of intraspecific variation Long-term impact: incorporation of genetic and evolutionary criteria to future risk assessment procedures Questions and global approach Genetics of copper tolerance? description of within- and between-population variation Population genetic divergence? comparison of tolerance patterns to neutral genetic divergence Species vs population level relevance of a standard test? proposal of an assessment method Objectives Investigate the evolutionary potential of pesticide tolerance in populations of a non-target species Estimate the relative influence of neutral versus selective forces on genetic variation in tolerance Context = ecological risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides Biological relevance of standard toxicity testing: importance of intraspecific variation Long-term impact: incorporation of genetic and evolutionary criteria to future risk assessment procedures Questions and global approach Genetics of copper tolerance? description of within- and between-population variation Population genetic divergence? comparison of tolerance patterns to neutral genetic divergence Species vs population level relevance of a standard test? proposal of an assessment method Common-garden experiment (8 Lymnaea stagnalis populations, North-Western Europe) Population neutral divergence, 14 microsatellite loci [1]: Global F ST = 0.388; 95% CI = [0.354;0.430] Estimation of copper tolerance (CuSO 4, 5H 2 O): global LC 50 estimation from a range finding test based on a balanced pool of each population and family representatives (8 concentrations, mg/L). exposure of 8 families (F1s) per population to global 48h-LC50 ( 3 replicate groups of 10 individuals per familiy) CONCLUSIONS Strong population genetic divergence in copper tolerance, consistent with neutral differentiation Divergence pattern inconsistent with homogenizing selection, i.e., with the condition required to safely extrapolate population-level results to the species level Need to account for intra-specific variation in standard toxicity testing: Q ST -F ST approach applicable to this context. CONCLUSIONS Strong population genetic divergence in copper tolerance, consistent with neutral differentiation Divergence pattern inconsistent with homogenizing selection, i.e., with the condition required to safely extrapolate population-level results to the species level Need to account for intra-specific variation in standard toxicity testing: Q ST -F ST approach applicable to this context. Acknowledgements - Work funded by INRA-ONEMA Action « Phylogeny and Polluosensitivity ». Rearing and experimentations performed at INRA U3E, Rennes. Acknowledgements - Work funded by INRA-ONEMA Action « Phylogeny and Polluosensitivity ». Rearing and experimentations performed at INRA U3E, Rennes. Lymnaea stagnalis Cliché M. Collinet (INRA) Control Marie-Agnès Coutellec 1, Jessica Côte 1, Anthony Bouétard 1, Yannick Pronost 2, Maïra Coke 2, Anne-Laure Besnard 1, Fabien Piquet 3, Thierry Caquet 1 Genetic variation of Lymnaea stagnalis tolerance to copper: a test of selection hypotheses and its relevance for ecological risk assessment with: genetic variance between (Vb) and within populations (Vw) inbreeding coefficient (f) Genetic variance decomposition: Q ST approach [2-4] Observed patternTheoretical Evolutionary Expectation Consistency with toxicity assessment at the species level Q ST = F ST Neutral divergence (no selection involved)If F ST significant: NO Q ST > F ST Divergent selection (local adaptation)NO Q ST < F ST Homogenizing selection or trait canalizationYES population: ModelAIC logLikelihood ratio test “model j vs model i ”: P-value (df) Copper sensitivity M1 = Y ~ treatment + size+ (1|population/family)784.7 M2 = Y ~ treatment + size (1|population) (M2 vs M1) M3 = Y ~ treatment + size (1|family)801.3<0.001 (M3 vs M1) M4 = Y ~treatment + (1|population/family) (M4 vs M1) M5 = Y ~size + (1|population/family)1047.9<0.001 (M5 vs M1) Shell size M1 = size ~ treatment + (1|population/family)474.1 M2 = Y ~ treatment + (1|population)549.9<0.001 (M2 vs M1) M3 = Y ~ treatment + (1|family)486.9<0.001 (M3 vs M1) M4 = Y ~1 + (1|population/family) (M4 vs M1) Table 2. Summary of statistical tests performed on shell size and observed 96-h mortality. Generalized linear mixed effects models compared with a LogLikelihood ratio test (P-value). AIC = Akaike information criterion (in bold: best model). Trait and statistical model Observed Q ST - F ST Neutral Q ST - F ST 95%CI Left p-value Right p-value Copper sensitivity M 96h ~ treatment+size+(1|pop/fam)0.024[-0.247;0.214] Shell size Size ~ treatment + (1|pop/fam)-0.195[-0.251;0.228] Figure 1. L. stagnalis population reaction norm to copper. Mean percent survival (SE) calculated over 8 families per population. Table 3. Summary of the Q ST -F ST analyses performed on L. stagnalis sensitivity to copper (M 96h = number of dead snails after 96-h exposure) and shell size. Left and right p-values give the probability for the observed difference between Q ST and F ST to fall within the 95% CI of the expected neutral distribution. P F ST ) [5]. Table 1. Summary of theoretical hypotheses testable under the Q ST -F ST approach. Homogenizing selection is a prerequisite for toxicity result extrapolation from population (or single strain) to the species level.