New Features of the OPScript Language Vicente Arturo ROMERO ZALDIVAR University of Cienfuegos. Jon Ander ELORRIAGA ARANDIA University of the Basque Country Mateo Jerónimo LEZCANO BRITO University of Las Villas Mikel LARRAÑAGA University of the Basque Country Vicente Arturo ROMERO ZALDIVAR University of Cienfuegos. Jon Ander ELORRIAGA ARANDIA University of the Basque Country Mateo Jerónimo LEZCANO BRITO University of Las Villas Mikel LARRAÑAGA University of the Basque Country
Introduction Facilitate the development of educational aplications Languages that facilitate the work Automatic code generation Code reuse Facilitate the development of educational aplications Languages that facilitate the work Automatic code generation Code reuse
OPScript Language The Script language for YADBrowser Rapid development of educational applications Persistence Components reuse Object Model TUser TRasterObject Tdocument TSprite The Script language for YADBrowser Rapid development of educational applications Persistence Components reuse Object Model TUser TRasterObject Tdocument TSprite
MetaData and Reusable Methods TStudent = class string [level] fLevel; end; … var string s; begin... s := GetStringFieldVal(level);... end; TStudent = class string [level] fLevel; end; … var string s; begin... s := GetStringFieldVal(level);... end;
Verbal Communication between Objects Makes possible the interaction of two objects without additional programming
Verbal Communication between Objects The relationship between the objects is created automatically TExercise = class needs Play; fields string [mediafile] fPath; methods procedure PlayMedia(); begin ExecuteVerb('Play'); end; TPlayer = class methods procedure DoPlay(); var string Path; begin Path := GetStringFieldVal('mediafile');... end; offers Play(DoPlay); end; The relationship between the objects is created automatically TExercise = class needs Play; fields string [mediafile] fPath; methods procedure PlayMedia(); begin ExecuteVerb('Play'); end; TPlayer = class methods procedure DoPlay(); var string Path; begin Path := GetStringFieldVal('mediafile');... end; offers Play(DoPlay); end;
Verbal Communication between Objects An important part of the web application development process is reduce to the inclussion of objects Verbal Communication facilitates the adaption of educational applications to the skills and knowledge of a given student An object can interact with different objects An important part of the web application development process is reduce to the inclussion of objects Verbal Communication facilitates the adaption of educational applications to the skills and knowledge of a given student An object can interact with different objects
XML Object Models YADBrowser allows loading object models represented in XML files Dynamical addition of object models to the current application model A simpler way to define an object model var Object Graph; begin... Graph:=XMLModel.LoadModelFrom('XMLModels\BeginnerGraph.xml');... end; YADBrowser allows loading object models represented in XML files Dynamical addition of object models to the current application model A simpler way to define an object model var Object Graph; begin... Graph:=XMLModel.LoadModelFrom('XMLModels\BeginnerGraph.xml');... end;
XML Object Models <!--procedure ProcessEvent(); … <!--procedure ProcessEvent(); var.. begin … end;--> ….. <!--procedure ProcessEvent(); … <!--procedure ProcessEvent(); var.. begin … end;--> …..
Conclusions New features of the OPScript Language Applications can be more easily adapted Downloading object models New features of the OPScript Language Applications can be more easily adapted Downloading object models