MOSQUITO CONTROL CAPACITY SURVEY Amie Worthington Medical Investigator
Survey Objectives Determine current mosquito control practices within cities and counties in Kansas Discuss reasons why and when mosquito control occurs Quantify yearly costs for labor, pesticide, and equipment Assess city and county abilities to respond to a mosquito-borne disease outbreak
Background Larvacide – kills immature mosquitoes – Objective to manage mosquito population before they emerge as adults Adulticides – kills adult mosquitoes – Objective to complete the larval management programs by reducing adults that lay eggs
Background Funding for vector control programs has declined since WNV emerged Kansas does not have a state vector control program
Methods Online survey of 30 questions using Qualtrics® Sent to city and county clerks listed in Directory of Kansas Public Officials – 551 cities – 105 counties Analysis completed in Microsoft Excel®
Results 656 jurisdictions
Results 656 jurisdictions 285 (43%) responses Total Response Rate:
Results 656 jurisdictions 285 (43%) responses 40 (38%) counties 245 (53%) cities Response Rate: Total Response Rate:
Results 656 jurisdictions 285 (43%) responses 40 (38%) counties 245 (53%) cities 131 (53%) cities8 (20%) counties Mosquito Control: Response Rate: Total Response Rate:
Reasons for Mosquito Adulticide Application Among Respondents Who Reported Adulticide Use* (n=157) Number of Reponses Percentage Always have sprayed for mosquitoes6643.7% Reduces number of mosquitoes8455.6% Residents request8958.9% Other1276.4% *Respondents selected all reasons that applied to their jurisdiction.
Reasons Why Mosquito Adulticide Application Did Not Occur* (n=151) Number of Reponses Percentage Lack of equipment/supplies7851.7% Not in budget8757.6% Staffing shortage4323.8% Other5838.4% *Respondents selected all reasons that applied to their jurisdiction.
Determining Factors to Begin Seasonal Mosquito Adulticide Application* (n=106) Number of Reponses Percentage Receive complaints8176.4% Set date every year1312.3% Other3835.8% *Respondents selected all factors that applied to their jurisdiction.
Communication Do you communicate with your local health department about mosquito-borne diseases in your area? Percentage City52% County21% Total25%
Median City Mosquito Control Yearly Costs (n=86)
Median County Mosquito Control Yearly Costs (n=7)
Outbreak Response If a large outbreak of a mosquito-borne disease were to occur, would you be able to increase your mosquito control measures? Percentage City69% County50% Total67%
Conclusions Half of the responding cities perform mosquito control Counties mostly rely on cities to maintain mosquito populations
Amie Worthington Medical Investigator Bureau of Epidemiology and Public Health Informatics Kansas Department of Health and Environment Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments.