Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Profibus DP – CAN comparison
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN-DP-comparison: Baudrate Minimum Baudrate Default Baudrate Maximum Baudrate 1500 kbit/s 12 Mbit/s CANDP 1 Mbit/s 10 kbit/s 9,5 kbit/s 125 Kbit/s Factor 1/1 1/12 1,5 Mbit/s DP transmit telegrams with a baud rate up to 12 times higher than CAN; important, however is only the effective data transfer rate !
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN-DP-comparison: How do the devices communicate? DP-Master Slave1Slave2Slave3SlaveN Temp. 5 Temperature Sensor 5 Temperature control 5 Temperature recorder 3 time 3 clock Sensorcontrol Temp event cycle Multimaster Master/Slave CAN is safer than DP! Starting from 12 participants CAN is faster than DP !
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN-DP-comparison: Extension Minimum Extension Average Extension Maximum Extension 5000 m at 10kbit/s CANDP 500 m at 125 kbit/s Factor 1 / 2,5 2,5 / 1 4 / 1 DP has a higher maximum extension than CAN at maximum Baudrate. CAN has a better maximum extension with minimum and default Baudrate. 1200m at 93,75 kbit/s bis 9,5kbit/s 200 m at 1,5 Mbit/s 40 m at 1 Mbit/s 100m at 12 Mbit/s
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN-DP-comparison: Topology -> Line RR RR CAN: This way.. or that: RR 50 m DP: From 32 stations on it is: CAN can be expanded with or without repeaters. DP needs them!
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CANopen specifications according to CiA DC parameters for CANopen networks for less than 64 nodes Cable type Maximum trunk length [m] (1) Maximum truk length [m] (2) (1) Safety margin factor of 0.2(2) Safety margin factor of 0.1 Maximum trunk length for different cable types and node numbers
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN-DP-comparison: Deterministics 55 value Collisions DP-Master Slave1Slave2Slave3SlaveN Sensorcontrol Temp Cycle DP is deterministic, if there is no telegram repetitions due to transmission errors. CAN is not deterministic! Higher priority wins!
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten Profibus DP Access methodMaster/Slave, Token Passing possible deterministic TopologyLine, with repeater: Tree, Star MediaTwisted Pair shielded, fibre optics station number126 (31 without Repeater) distance2 400 m; with Repeater up to 9600 m transmission rate9,6 kbit/s / 19,2 / 93,75 / 187,5 / 500 / / 12 Mbit/s Daten size per telegram244 Byte data trafficcyclic (and acyclic with DP V1) StandardsEN 50170, DIN T3 LobbyProfibus User organisation (PNO) with more than 170 members a.o. Bosch, Siemens, MOELLER, ABB
Schutzvermerk nach DIN 34 beachten CAN Controller Area Network Access methodCSMA/CA event/message orientated TopologyLine with short stubs MediaTwisted Pair, fibre options Number of stations128, Multimaster Distancee.g. 40 m at 1 Mbit/s up to 1 km at 50 kbit/s max. trunk length not specified transmission rate10 kbit/s to 1Mbit/s Data size per telegram Byte data trafficacyclic StandardsISO LobbyCiA (CAN in automation), Intel, Philips, Bosch Semiconductors, Motorola, NEC, Siemens