Brainstorming Techniques Four Brainstorming Techniques: 1.Freewriting 2.Listing 3.Asking Questions 4.Mapping/Clustering/Webbing
FREEWRITING Review the assignment and start writing! Write in the narrative form which is across the page. Tips to follow: 1.Set a time limit 2.Don’t stop writing 3.Don’t Edit 4.Use paper or a computer
EXAMPLE Adrienne Rich wrote, “Lying is done with words and also with silence.” Do you agree?” Use your own personal experience and/or observations to support your answer.
Example Do I agree? I think so. Is it a lie if you don’t say something when you know something? Not technically but it has the same effect, doesn’t it? I remember when I saw Jay with someone else but I didn’t tell Karen. She never came out and asked me if Jay was cheating on her but I knew. But that’s really not a lie is it so what do you call it? But there are more important cases where not telling the truth can be deadly. Like if you know if someone is committing a crime. I guess the point is that you know a truth but you don’t reveal it. So they are not the same. People hurt. Unless you believe what you don’t know won’t hurt you.
YOUR TURN For five minutes you are going to write about SCHOOL UNIFORMS
LISTING Instead of sentences and across the page, you list words and phrases straight down the page. Tips: 1.Set a time limit 2.Don’t stop writing 3.Don’t Edit 4.Use paper or a computer
Example In your opinion, what is the greatest challenge your generation will face? What ideas do you have for dealing with this issue? The individual’s list: 1.Being overwhelmed by technology 2.Staying in physical touch when everything becomes virtual 3.How will we know if it is real? 4.Taking care of parents-grandparents 5.Being overwhelmed by information 6.What about people that do not have access to technology? 7.The environment 8.Are we running out of room? 9.Can we recycle more? 10.Alternate fuel
YOUR TURN For five minutes write about MOVIES
ASKING QUESTIONS Use questions to generate ideas!!! Use the following six question words to help formulate questions about the subject. 1.Who 2.What 3.When 4.Where 5.Why 6.How
EXAMPLE Television is a very powerful medium. What do you think is the ideal place of television in our lives and why? 1.Who watches TV? 2.How much TV different types of people watch? 3.What kind of shows are people watching? 4.Does TV violence cause kids to be violent? 5.Why do people watch TV? 6.When was TV invented? 7.Where are the TV’s located in the homes? 8.How many famalies own multiple TV’s? 9.How can TV help us? 10.How can it hurt us?
MAPPING IDEAS ARE ALL OVER THE PAGE SO YOU CAN SEE YOUR IDEAS RELATE TO EACH OTHER. Mapping helps you organize your ideas as you come up with them.