PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Authoring and Engineering Adaptive eLearning Systems Dr. Alexandra Cristea
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Outline
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Previous summer school.. Adaptation in e-Learning (what, when, how, where … etc.) Authoring (engineering) for adaptation –Framework (LAOS) –Tool (MOT) –Moving from metadata, ingredients.. to recipes (adaptation strategies: LAG) And lots of fun …
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 This time … We presume we have the framework and structure – But we dont want to do it by hand anymore From manual to automatic authoringFrom manual to automatic authoring And of course: lots of fun ….. But later
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Short Reminder: Adaptive vs. adaptable adaptable adaptive personalized User-tuned System-tuned
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Short reminder LAOS, the framework for authoring
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 LAOS authoring framework for AH: domain model (DM), goal and constraints model (GM), user model (UM), adaptation model (AM) and presentation model (PM)
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007
Short reminder: LAG, the model for strategies
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 LAG: Layers of Adaptation granularity lowest level: direct adaptation techniques: –adaptive navigation support & adaptive presentation (Brusilovsky 1996), implem.: AHA!; expressed in AHAM syntax –techniques usually based on threshold computations of variable- value pairs. medium level: goal / domain-oriented adaptation techniques: –based on a higher level language that embraces primitive low level adaptation techniques (wrapper) –new techniques: adaptation language (Calvi & Cristea 2002), high level: adaptation strategies – wrapping layers above – goal-oriented Adaptation Assembly language Adaptation Programming language Adaptation Function calls
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Overall structure of the adaptation strategy // Description // Variables initialization () implementation ()
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Motivation Automatic authoring: integration of a generic AH authoring environment MOT into a semantic desktop environment
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Automatic authoring
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Why automatic authoring Make authoring task easier Manual annotation is bottleneck By integrating authoring environment into semantic desktop
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Input Metadata Schema
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Input Metadata Schema (Close-up)
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Semantic Desktop Desktop where everything is stored with extra metadata We uses RDF as storage format Example RDF (also has an XML representation) :
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Output metadata schema
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 MOT: CAF example test tree title tree test\tree\title
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Selection & Rank (concept oriented) where: rank(a,c) is the rank of article a with respect to the current domain concept c; k(c) is the set of keywords belonging to the current domain concept c; k(a) is the set of keywords belonging to the current article a; select x from x {p} y where y like *keyword
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Result added material
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 ADAPT project MOT AHA! WHURLE,Nottingham Blackboard,Southampton
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Ranking Concept oriented Article Oriented where: rank(a,c) is the rank of article a with respect to the current domain concept c; k(c) is the set of keywords belonging to the current domain concept c; k(a) is the set of keywords belonging to the current article a; |S| = the cardinality of the set S, for a given set S.
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Conclusions: automatic authoring semantic desktop is a rich source of metadata about resources as well as relationships between these resources here, it provides automatically generated metadata describing publications and other materials relevant for an advanced course
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Conclusion A teacher for every student? –Yes, its possible with adaptation Not doing it all by hand as an author –Yes, in combination with SD & SW developments Research areas in authoring of adaptive eLearning: –Models, patterns, standards –Visualization of components & processes –Automatic production and reuse: static & dynamic –Interfacing: conversions, module-based, query-based –Adaptive testing –Business models
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Further reading & events Upcoming: ICALT07 workshops, tutorial; Practical Hypertext announced on my homepage ( 4 th Workshop: 3 rd workshop: 2 nd workshop: 1 st workshop: International Peer-Reviewed On-line Journal "Education Technology and Society", Special Issue on Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Papers: – –2005, Automatic Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia (copy here), book chapter to appear in "Web-Based Intelligent e-Learning Systems: Technologies and Applications", Zongmin Ma. IDEA Publishing group; authors: A. Cristea and C. Stewarthere –2005, Authoring of Adaptive Hypermedia; Adaptive Hypermedia and Learning Environments (copy here), book chapter to appear in "Advances in Web-based Education: Personalized Learning Environments", Sherry Y. Chen and Dr. George D. Magoulas. IDEA Publishing group; authors: A. Cristea here –2005, Patterns in Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia: A Taxonomy of Learning Styles (copy here), International Peer-Reviewed On-line Journal "Education Technology and Society", Special Issue on Authoring of Adaptive Educational Hypermedia, July 2005 (Volume 8, Issue 3). authors: Elizabeth Brown, Alexandra Cristea, Craig Stewart and Tim Brailsfordhere –- 2004, What can the Semantic Web do for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia? (copy here) International Peer-Reviewed On-line Journal "Educational Technology and Society" 7(4), Special Issue on Ontologies and the Semantic Web for E-learning, IEEE, LTSC, pp author: A. Cristeahere
PROLEARN International Summer School 27May – 2June 2007 Workshop Authoring and Engineering Adaptive eLearning Systems Time: 14:00 – 15:30 The workshop will allow hands-on experience with creating adaptive eLearning: data, meta-data and adaptation strategies based on pedagogical foundations.