Maurice Hendrix, Alexandra Cristea* London Knowledge Lab 25/11/2008 *Based on work in collaboration with Paul De Bra, Mykola Pechenizkiy, David Smits from TU/e and other Grapple WP3 partners Concept Adaptation Model CAM
Outline Grapple Adaptive Hypermedia Authoring now e.g: LAOS Graphical Authoring: CAM Further Work & Conclusions
Combining ALE with LMS Open service oriented architecture –Open source –LMS Independent Adaptation component Distributed UM Framework Authoring environment for Conceptual Adaptation Structures
Adaptive Hypermedia Hypermedia Adaptive Richer learning experience
AHAM 3 layer model: Domain model (DM) Adaptation model (AM) User models (UM) LAOS 5 layer model adds: Goal & Constraints Model (GM) Presentation Model (PM) Authoring developments
Arbitrary number of layers >3 Domain model (DM) Concept Relation Types (CRT) Adaptation Model (AM 0.. AM N ) User models (UM) Authoring in GRAPPLE, CAM
Authoring tools development AHA! Graph editor tool – Graphical – Does not consider different layers – Specific to AHA! – Despite being graphical still requires expert
Example DM & resources authoring in MOT
Main authoring bottleneck now: AM Either pre-prepared strategy or programming knowledge required Difficult for non-CS teachers to go beyond provided strategies
MOT – LAOS based – Web-based content & GM creation, requires little CS knowledge. – Adaptation enigne independant – AM via LAG semi-programming language, requires expert or pre-prepared strategy initialization( = true PM.ToDo = false = true while true ( = true UM.GM.Concept.beenthere = 0 ) UM.GM.begnum = 0 UM.GM.intnum = 0 …. ) Authoring tools development: LAG adaptation language
Domain Model Concepts and relations (hierarchical, is_a, part_of, etc.) Using a content repository
Concept Relationship Types (Pedagogical) relations between concepts, groups of concepts and groups of concepts and the associated adaptive behaviour. Relations binary or N-ary Author can define using CRT tool, or use a library of common building blocks
CRT definition (pedagogic relationship types)
Concept Adaptation Model Combines the concepts from the DM and relations between concepts from the CRT Can be defined via the CAM tool that will be developed
Example Graphical Authoring Graph based authoring not completely new e.g. AHA! Graph author, WOTAN
Example Graphical Authoring Example snapshot of a Domain Map
Example Graphical Authoring Example CAM CAM tool suggests translation of semantic link created into behaviour prerequisite
Example Graphical Authoring Using generic placeholders
Example Graphical Authoring Conditions
Problem detection Termination and confluence not guaranteed, we can do static cycle detection but only warn as cycle me not in practise ever occur. Between layers this can be solved by run-time priority: a rule on a lower layer cannot change an attribute changed by a rule on a higher layer
Authoring tools for CAM Tools for DM, CRT, CAM. Web-based shell integrates tools into 1 single authoring environment Drag & drop tools (as far as possible). Use of a library of common building blocks (CRTs)
Further work 1.Decide upon interchange formats between DM, CRT, CAM 2.Decide export format of CAM 3.Develop shell for the tools 4.Develop the tools 5.Develop library for building blocks (CRTs) 6.Develop verification model for CAM
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