1 Data use, data sharing and information governance Geraint Lewis Chief Data Officer, NHS England Mark Golledge Programme Manager in Health and Care Informatics, Local Government Association 13:15 – 13:35
2 Data sharing and IG: Overview Delivery of health and care and associated flow of information to support patient care is complex and not as effective as it could be (e.g. use of paper / fax); There are significant benefits in sharing information – not least in supporting the direct care of the individual; Five Year Forward View highlighted the importance of technology and information; However, it is critical that in sharing information we ensure that public and professional confidence in data sharing is strengthened in order to be able to use data safely and effectively; Information Governance: Ensures necessary safeguards for, and appropriate use of, patient and personal information.
3 What does ‘good’ look like? A strong local commitment and effective leadership including active engagement from stakeholders – clinical / professionals & patients / carers; A robust approach to information governance including active communication and engagement with stakeholder groups; The ability to safely share information across key parties using open interfaces; A commitment to alignment with key digital standards – including use of the NHS Number as a key identifier across health and social care; A robust approach to privacy and security – Information must be secured against unauthorised access; information must be safeguarded against unauthorised modification; information must be accessible to authorised users at times when they require it; Innovations will be tested by Communications and Electronics Security Group (CESG) - the definitive voice on technical aspects of Information Security. Interoperability and Standards: Leadership and Governance: Security, Privacy and Trust:
4 Information sharing can focus on activity supporting direct care or activity supporting commissioning / research. Test Beds should consider how proposals align with such framework. What does ‘good’ look like? 4 Sharing for Direct Care Sharing for Commissioning & Research A. Sharing of Patient Medical Records, Care History and Prescriptions Electronically: e.g. Integrated Digital Care Records C. Risk Stratification for Case Finding: Identifying people at risk of an adverse event; E. Developing a Capitated Budget and New Care Model: Profiling and segmenting the population & developing a Capitated Budget Risk Strat. for Case Finding Risk Strat. for Commissioning B. Care Planning and Coordination: Supporting coordination of care across providers F. Understanding Current and Future Population Needs: Strategic and Commissioning Needs Analysis D. Tracking Outcomes across a Pathway of Care Setting: Tracking particular cohort groups
5 How to approach data sharing Key Sources of Information Information Governance Alliance: This includes details around information governance, information security and IG Toolkit details. Information can be found here: National Information Board: This details plans on how technology and information will be used to support delivery of care. Test beds should take specific roadmaps into consideration available here: information-board Materials forthcoming aligned to purposes described above to support local areas with implementation.
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