3. Problems and Resolutions in Legends
Aim of Lesson by the end of this lesson you should be able to: Think creatively about ways to solve problems.
All stories have problems and resolutions. Can you identify the problems and resolutions in the following well known stories?
Click on the text to find out what the problem and resolution is.
There are blind mice in his food, a big, bad wolf in his bed, three little homeless pigs and more, all banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad. He, along with the other cartoon characters are being forced out of their homes in the forest. Shrek’s problem is that his precious solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of annoying fairy-tale characters. His problem is resolved when the dragon eats Lord Farquaad. But what mini problems and resolutions take us to the end? Can you think of any?
This is a tricky one depending on the film or book version! In the film both of the main characters – Charlie and Willy Wonka have separate problems that are resolved together. Charlie is very poor and doesn’t have enough food for his family, Willy Wonka is very sad and has no family – but desperately wants one. Together they resolve their problems, Charlie and his family go to live in the factory grounds and they become a sort of family to Willy Wonka. But there are lots of other characters and lots of other events (mini problems and resolutions) throughout the story. Can you remember any?
Cinderella is forced to work in the house as a servant and is very unhappy. Cinderella’s problem is resolved when she marries a prince, however there are lots of other mini problems and resolutions throughout the story. Can you think of any? Cinderella’s problem is that her mother has died and her father has remarried someone who is mean to Cinderella.
The following is part of a Greek legend - The Legend of Odysseus. Odysseus has a problem. Can you help him to resolve it?
…The Cyclops were a feared nation of giants each with a huge eye in the middle of their forehead. The men started to explore when suddenly a cyclops saw them. He looked around at the sailors. Odysseus told him that they were shipwrecked and asked for shelter and food. He ate two of the men then locked them in his cave by rolling a huge stone across the door…. Click on the objects below to see how they helped Odysseus escape.
Odysseus tried to gain his freedom by offering Cyclops three bags of wine. The Cyclops drank the wine then fell into a deep sleep. While he was asleep Odysseus and his men tried to work out how to escape. They knew that they would all be eaten for supper. Part of the problem is resolved, the Cyclops is now blind so he will not be able to see Odysseus and his men. They sharpened a tree trunk into a point and blinded the Cyclops while he slept.
They tied the sheep in threes and hung a man underneath each threesome. The Cyclops ran his hand over their backs but missed the men underneath and so they escaped. They got back to their boat, took some of the sheep to help out with the food for their journey and continued on their way home. However this wasn’t the end of the journey!The Cyclops cursed Odysseus and asked his father the sea-god Poseidon to drown Odysseus or, if that was not possible, to make Odysseus' journey home as dangerous as possible. Poseidon did just that - but that is another story.
How to Write a Legend Beginnings Who? When? Where? Why? Settings Sights Sounds Smells Feelings Powerful words Problems Theme Good v Bad Characters Strange features Sounds Actions Powers Exit