ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DIGITAL RIGHTS MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION/ OPTIONS EdReNe Seminar March 2008 Paul Sire Sociedad Digital de Autores y Editores
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 2 DRM DRM Digital rights Digital management RIGHTS & RULES of intellectual property MANAGEMENT and licensing of rights.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 3 THE BODYGUARD? 2 Aproaches to Security: Prevent anyone from entering: Microsoft/ Apple etc. DRM. X Allow free entry but then prevent them from getting away. Digital management of rights.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 4 INTELECTUAL PROPERTY IN EDUCATION “To be or not to be. That is the question” Individual author vs. Institutional owner. Traditional model vs. Digital model. Education business vs. Publication. Moral right vs. copyright model. Awareness Only Attribution
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 5 MANAGEMENT Manual management vs. Digital management (standards, interoperability) Reuse or repurpose vs. “Original” Creation Aggregate - Partial use. $6m** Licensing Clearing
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 6 RIGHTS MANAGEMENT WORKFLOW The system automates the business processes in management of digital rights, ensuring and securing services. Create & Register 1 Preparation/ Aggregation 2 Licence / Distribution 3 Use 4 Compensatio n / Information * 5 Creation & preparation of content Content Management Content Use REGISTRATION & PROTECTION DISTRIBUTION (MARKETPLACE) MONITORING & REPORTING FEATURES Registration, protection of content and preparation for distribution. Registration, protection of content and preparation for distribution. Access to content, licensing and secure distribution, delivery and broad/net cast (where and when) and payment management. Monitoring use of archives (accounting for the use and rights), and management of the information related to use.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 7 WHAT THIS IMPLIES 1.Protecting content from unlawful use. (encryption, etc.) + interoperability. 2.Documenting its rights-holders. 3.Licensing their lawful use. 4.Monitoring all their uses. 5.Detailed reporting of their use. 6.Collecting “royalties” or attribution. 7.Distributing royalties to rights-holders.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 8 DATA MANAGEMENT COMPLETE CYCLE MANAGEMENT vDocumenting rights-holders, Licensing, Collecting and Distributing STANDARDS AND KNOW-HOW TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM vOpen (exchange of data) vRobust (security, availability, large data base) FLEXIBILITY vConfiguration for any individual need vConfiguration for sharing data vFlexible settings for different languages, currencies, legal and management systems.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 9 KEYS: RE-USE OF E-CONTENT Requires fast system for finding the right content for re-use. Requires fast and seamless clearing system for licensing use of content. Requires costs associated with re-use to be lower than those of new production. Requires sharing content + data + management + systems.
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 10 MICRO DIGITAL MANAGEMENT A unique and universal identifying code has to be definined for each type of business object: -Author, artist, producer, teacher, licence issuer, etc... -Text, graphic, video, audio, learning object?, Licence, etc… A standard protocol has to be definined for the online communication of all the business agents We have to be ready to: –Manage a large volume of transactions –Licence beyond a basic territory –The transaction cicle will be short –Licences must be issued at competitive costs
ER-0317/2/99 G R U P O S G A E DRM 11 STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 1.Non e-learning stage. Little content is published other that teacher notes and reference support materials. An approach to IPR is not developed when producing content and there is little awareness of the importance of the issue. Ownership of content has not been resolved legally and metadata standards are undefined. Long term strategies on content use have not been defined and little knowledge exists on the challenges and opportunities of the “digital revolution”. 2.E-learning strategy. Based on legislation and copyright procedures, internal standards are created for the copyright management and protection of the digital content. Certain staff have the necessary expertise to resolve IPR issues in a closely defined content sharing, or an open content sharing, environment. 3.Commercial publisher strategy. Long term strategic goals exist for all copyright assets in an open and interoperable Digital environment. IPR is electronically managed within the framework of a published policy and closely followed processes. The policy supports business models that incorporate IPR management; technical measures protect IPR; International standards are adopted and, all relevant staff are trained in IPR issues.