Attaching Rights to Content Larry Lannom Corporation for National Research Initiatives Copyright © 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: Attribution. You must give the author and CNRI credit. Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Please do not abridge, alter, or edit material in any way that alters the author's intentions.
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Digital Data in Networked Environments Current Model –Information assumed to be transient Web pages - CNN, Google, etc. –Information assumed to be semi-permanent PDF, Word, , etc. But it is all bits - easily kept, altered, replicated, re-disseminated, etc. --- hard to manage And it all exists in some IPR context
Corporation for National Research Initiatives DRM: evolving technologies & businesses Goal - enable content owners to define and possibly control access to and use of content Digital Management of Rights –Not management of digital rights Human readable or machine actionable? –Natural language vs machine encoding Define or Enforce? –Define: policy can be known –Enforce: constrain behavior to follow policy How to express policy and connect it to content Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Rights Expression Language (REL) –State the rights such that they can be ‘understood’ by computers –Standardization is vital –XrML is an emerging standard Rights Data Dictionary (RDD) –Define the terms used in the REL –Problem - multiple vocabularies – project attempts to mediate Encoding
Corporation for National Research Initiatives XrML
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Simple pointer in content to a fixed location for encoded policy –Problem - things move (404) Persistent identifiers linking content and encoded policy –Requires resolution system and more standards Tight binding of content and policy –Can’t have one without the other –Problem - can never change the policy Associate Encoded Policy with Content
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Simple Pointer
Naming Resources on the Net The Problem Internet chapter.pdf
Internet Naming Resources on the Net The Solution Name = Value(s) /xyz = Naming Service
Internet Naming Resources on the Net The Solution Name = Value(s) /xyz = Naming Service
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Distributed, scalable, secure Enforces unique names Enables association of one or more typed values, e.g., URL, with each name Optimized for speed and reliability Open, well-defined protocol and data model Provides infrastructure for application domains, e.g., digital libraries, electronic publishing... CNRI Handle System
Corporation for National Research Initiatives Handles Resolve to Typed Data URL2…. DLS9acme/repository HS_ADMIN100acme.admin/jsmith XYZ Handle data Handle Data type Index /456URL1….
Handle Resolution is a collection of handle services, each of which consists of one or more replicated sites, Site 1Site 2 Site 1 Site 2 Site 3 …... Site n Client The Handle System LHS GHR each of which may have one or more servers /abcURL URL #1#2#n#4#3 #1#2...
Tool Bar Demo 1 – Version XMP
Tool Bar cnri.test.jsn/pdf TYPEDATA last_modified T14:06:03-03:00 DOI Handle Record T14:06:03-03:00 Internet Handle System Demo 1 – Version
Tool Bar Demo 1 – Version
Demo 4 – Rights XMP
Handle System cnri.test.jsn/doi.rights TYPEDATA DOI Handle Record Internet Demo 4 – Rights
XMP Demo 4 – Rights