Our Philosophy >To offer paperless software solutions to manage the entire Inspections – Findings –Tasks - Works Order process exceeding the requirement of the European Standards and HSE guidelines for all your asset management needs. >PlaySafe and StaySafe provide 4 major functions >Inventory Management >Inspections Management >Maintenance Management >Stock Management
We Come Highly Recommended. >Designed and developed in partnership with the NPFA and 4 Local Authorities >Over 100 Local Authorities currently use PlaySafe >Endorsed by the Institute of Leisure & Amenity Management >Endorsed by the Association of Play Industries >Commended by the Health & Safety Executive >Approved and used by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Inventory Storage >Inventory view provides summary of asset register information. >View filters enable ease of searching for specific data. >Drag and drop functionality to manage column views.
Site & Asset Properties >Site and Asset properties allow the detailed population of your inventory >Functionality to link related documents, webpages, notes and photos creates portal style tool.
Configuration >Input details of users, inspectors, contractors, manufacturers and routes. >Specific inspection types can be included and classified. >Local checklists can be created and defined. >Inspections can be scheduled for reminders via the To-Do list. >Budgets groups, codes and allocations can be included. Spending can be tracked
Inspection Reporting >Inspection detail report wizard, providing wide selection of options and combinations for selection >Quick on screen view filter reports >Automated inspection history reports between date parameters at site level
We Provide: Asset specific checklists and finding specific tasks based on: >BSEN1176/7 Playground equipment >BSEN15312 Outdoor multi-sports equipment >BSEN14974 Wheeled sport >BS8300 Disability Discrimination Act >BS8409 Soft indoor play areas >Maintenance – common-sense checklist >Extended to include: Buildings, Trees, BVPI199, Community Safety, Leisure Centres, Water Safety
Paperless Inspections Using PDA >Use on a pocket pc to provide paperless inspection records. >Inspections can then be uploaded to the office system to allow for maintenance planning >Inspections are signed off legally via a disclaimer and physically electronic signature
Field Inspection Recording >Findings can be recorded into the PDA via a series of drop down menus. >Key findings information can be recorded – cause, risk, urgency and notes >Existing Findings show on the PDA to eliminate repeat reporting of issues. >Photos can be taken and linked from some PDAs >All outstanding Findings can be completed from the PDA
On-Site Task Completion >Suggested Tasks are linked to every Finding within the database. >Tasks can be entered with additional notes and cost information. >Task Monitoring can be used where items need to be reviewed at a later date. >Works orders can set up to issue work to contractors or can Tasks can be assigned directly from the PDA to create job lists >Completion dates and time are all automatically entered when the item is resolved.
Automated To-Do List >Easy to use with similar functionality to MS Outlook. >The automated To-Do list is updated by the inspections information input into the system ensuring no findings can be forgotten >It provides you with an immediate view of priorities and items requiring action. >All outstanding Findings can also be managed through to completion via the PDAs To-Do list
Additional Functionality >Import/Export Facility ensures paperwork is kept to an absolute minimum. Ask your annual inspector to provide their inspections in PlaySafe or StaySafe. >Link with GIS system to provide a spatial context to your information and inspections >Ability to export data into external programmes for additional analysis purposes
Costs >Annual Licence - £3000 >Includes phone support, upgrades, standards updates, account management including bi-annual user group meetings, customer newsletter, access to website and online training >Other service areas >Data Entry - POA >Configuration - £850 >Training – packages from £850 >Installation – from £850 >PDAs – from £300
Have you got time to be without us? Lee McCarthy - Fylde Borough Council “I am able to carry out all my playground inspections in 1 ½ days as opposed to 4, thanks to the administrative time I am able to save thanks to PlaySafe.” Tony Lewis - Pembrokeshire County Council “Previously I was spending 10hrs a week on play management, now I am spending no more than 2 – an 80% reduction! Also admin staff no longer have to input any data – so an additional saving all due to PlaySafe.”
Summary >Offers a completely paperless inspections and maintenance management tool >Ability to analyse data within or externally >Complies with and has inbuilt asset-specific findings and tasks relating to the EN1176/77, EN15312, EN14974, BS8300, BS8409 >Enables you to meet requirements set out by the Freedom of Information Act and E-government directive >Provides complete peace of mind in relation to your local authority meeting the required duty of care for play areas and associated assets. ONE SYSTEM, ONE SOLUTION, NOT ONE PIECE OF PAPER!
© 2004 ACNielsen 20 STOCK MANAGEMENT
Stock Management >Keeps an accurate record of all stock held in depots/vans >Manage all goods in/out >Update stock records with new products >Record unit price of all stock >Transfer the cost of labour & materials to tasks >Add invoices from external contractors to tasks
© 2004 ACNielsen 22 Any Questions? Thank you