Overview of Information Technology Concepts Instructor: Prof. Ilyoo B. Hong
Contents n Business environment and IT n Data Vs. information n Roles of IT in business corporations n What is MIS?
Business environment & IT Innovations Obscelence EC Info. overload Innovations Obscelence EC Info. overload Global Competitive Changing workforce Powerful consumers Global Competitive Changing workforce Powerful consumers Social responsib. Gov’t regulations Deregulations Ethics Social responsib. Gov’t regulations Deregulations Ethics Organizations Information Technology Technological Market Society
Data Vs. Information Data Data –raw as collected –eg) ages or heights of students in class Information Information –extracted from data –readily useful for decision-making or problem- solving –eg) mean or median of students’ ages or heights
Roles of IT in business firms Improvement of operational efficiency Improvement of operational efficiency –automates routine operations Improvement of responsiveness Improvement of responsiveness –reduces ‘time to market’ by shortening the product development cycle –reduces manufacturing costs Support of supply chain Support of supply chain –improves inventory management –provides information of strategic value
What is MIS? n the computer and communications technology that supports business operations and management of a firm n an integrated, computer-based, interactive system that provides information to support operations and decision-making n can collect, process, store, analyze, and disseminate information for a specific purpose
Strategic Planning Tactical Control Operational Control Top Management Middle Management Low-level Mgmt Sales/ Mkt. Mfg. Financial Mgmt. Acct. Personnel Mgmt. Business Functions & Management Levels
n TPS (Transaction Processing Systems): process transaction data n IRS (Information Reporting Systems): provide information for mgmt. n DSS (Decision Supporting Systems): supports mgmt decision making n ES (Expert Systems): solve problems by mimicking experts n EIS (Executive Information Systems): provide info for executives n OAS (Office Automation Systems): support knowledge workers n SIS (Strategic Information Systems): create a competitive edge n GDSS (Group Decision Support Systems): support electronic meetings How IS Have Evolved