Before we get started, please sign-in and sign up for fall conferences at the back table.
My Philosophy I believe that every child can, will, and must achieve academic success. My job is to help develop independent, creative problem-solvers. Above all, I value honesty and perseverance. Teamwork between parent, student, and teacher is key to a successful year! 3
School-Wide Expectations Be Respectful! Be Responsible! Be Peaceful! Be Safe! Greenlight Behavior Plan
Score Four and Personal Best Score Four Cards Follow school-wide expectations Earn Score Four Cards Marking Period & Monthly Celebrations Personal Best Show your personal best effort academically and behaviorally Earn Croc Cash Rewards
Cool things 4 th Graders Can Do Flag football and cheerleading After-school clubs (coming soon) Band and chorus Croc Patrol (in training) in the spring National Honor Society (invitations go out after first marking period…students must have a at least a 3.0 GPA)
Our Schedule 8:35 - 9:00 Arrival to school, breakfast, morning work 8:50 - 9:00 Morning meeting 9: :10 Whole group math 10: :00 Special 11: :50 Whole group reading/ELA 11: :25 Small group reading 12: :55 Recess 12:55 - 1:25 Lunch 1:25 - 2:00 Smart Reading 2:00 - 2:40 Science/Social Studies 2:40 - 3:15 Smart math 3:20 Pack up and dismissal
Important “Things” Coming Home at Night Homework You can expect (short) math homework every might. Spelling words will typically be sent home on Monday. I will test them on words approximately 7 days later (not always on a Friday). Continue to check my website and your child’s planner for updates. I will be sending you home with literature on activities you can do with your child at home.
Important “Things” Coming Home at Night Friday Letter Most Fridays, your child will be bringing home their writing journal that will include a “Friday Letter” in which they will write to inform you of some of what they have learned and activities they were involved in throughout the week. Within the letter, they will ask you two questions that you will respond to in writing (in your own letter on the next page). Please print so that your child can read your writing more easily, and please help your child read your responses. The journal should be returned to school no later than Tuesday.
Student Planners/Agendas All homework assignments, as well as other important information is recorded in their planner. Parents, please make sure you are looking at the homework assignments and checking that your child has completed them. I want you to be “in the know.”
Math This year we will be combining curriculums to meet the needs of students while also addressing the Common Core Standards. We will mainly be using: Singapore Math Eureka Math
Math What can you do to help your child in math? Practice multiplication and division facts with your child as much as possible! Use flash cards Play a math game (available commercially or online). Use the web Check out for upcoming topics and math activities or simply Google your topic of choice.
Math Belts Math Belts are given every Tuesday Math Fluency in multiplication and division 93% Accuracy must be met before they are able to move on 0,1,2 – 3,4,5 – 6,7,8 – 9,10,11,12 Goal – Black Belt!
Reading What is reading and reading comprehension? – The essence of reading is extracting meaning from written print. – What can you do to help your child read? – Read with your child every day! – Talk about what you read; summarize, question, debate, predict, compare, etc. – Make it fun! Find their interests and foster them. Text is everywhere: magazines, comics, novels, etc. 14
Grades This is the first year your child gets traditional letter grades (A, B, C, D, F). Grades are based on percentages. You can find the breakdown in your handbook or the back of the take-home folder. REMEMBER – “C” is considered average. Do not punish your child for a “C” (unless they haven’t been trying). “B” and “A” are both above average. While everyone should be striving to be above average, the truth of it is that not everyone will be. That’s why it’s called “average.”
Grades A = 90 – 100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 59% and below You can access grades through home access Home Access: ess/ ess/
How do I get grades? I will use several different sources to formulate grades. This may include, but is not limited to: Classwork Homework Formal assessments Exit tickets
AR Accelerated Reader is a supplemental tool designed to encourage students to choose and read books independently at the appropriate level. – Students take a short, computerized comprehension test after reading a book, which earns points toward their goal. AR levels and goals are based on the results of the STAR reading test as well as teacher and student input.
In Case you didn’t know… I have a website! I am available before or after school most days, so please do not hesitate to contact me with questions or concerns.
Questions? 20