My beliefs about... Leadership of school improvement Team-based improvement All students progressing from grade to grade, from level to level
Roles and Responsibilities of School Leaders Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Leader Data Analysis Leader Process Improvement Leader Learning and Professional Development Leader Relationship Leader Performance Leader Operations Leader Change Leader
Mission, Vision, and Beliefs Mission: to educate and nurture the whole child in order to develop positive, productive citizens. Vision: Every student leaving Mount Zion Elementary School will be an independent learner, who sustains high levels of achievement, and who becomes a productive member of society.
Beliefs: What we believe about children and learning: Children have the desire to learn. Children’s potential is fostered through a variety of techniques unique to each child’s learning style. Children must be accountable for their own actions. A positive school climate is achieved when parents, students, and faculty work together. Academic achievement enables students to develop a positive and realistic self -concept. Teachers’ and parents’ expectations and involvement have a direct impact on each student’s level of performance.
Mission, Vision, and Beliefs Partner Review Discuss possible changes Revise
Parent Compact Parent Compact Partner Review Revise
School Brochure Review Revise
Four Square Results Survey Responses Important Events Collegial Planning Parent Nights Red Carpet Day Areas of Concern Parent Pickup Duty Exploratory-little planning S.O.A.R.-time-consuming and not consistent among grade levels Too many meetings No ALC for tardies and poor attendance
Four Square Results Suggestions for upcoming year Combine committees Salad Bar Allow teachers to attend fewer PTO meetings Advice Treat everyone the same Be fair. Do not have favorites Treat everyone equally.
Policies and Procedures Open House Monday, August 8, 2011 4:00-6:00 Open House Checklist Open House Information
Policies and Procedures Leadership Meeting dates PTO Meetings Committees Faculty & Staff changes
Policies and Procedures Breakfast Forms School Day
Policies and Procedures Appropriate Attire Staff Communications Copy and Laminating
Policies and Procedures Faculty Meetings Lesson Plans Lunchroom Paraprofessionals
Policies and Procedures Teacher’s children Certified/Classified Absences Personal Leave
Student Policies & Procedures Daily Attendance Communications Weather and Fire Drills Homework Guidelines
Renaissance Learning STAR Reading STAR Math Accelerated Math Accelerated Reading Professional Learning
S.O.A.R. Read with Sarah Eagles Academy Principal’s Club
Tomorrow Georgia Evans Chic-Fil-a Breakfast O’Charley’s