Pride Academy 101 September 14, 2010 September 15, 2010
Litel Lions Roar! Academic Performance Index (API) of 930 Most growth in the district and county Top 5% in California
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS Laser like focus on the standards Use of Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligence in learning Frequent assessments RtI: Response to Individuals -Students receive targeted intervention/challenge minutes during the day Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Mind Institute for grades 1-4 Accelerated Reader for K-5; Reading Counts for grade 6 Step Up to Writing UNRAVEL: Reading Comprehension strategy Word of the week (WOW words) Ticket to Read (link on Daily and Weekly communication in grades K-2; Agendas in grades 3-6
VALUE ADDED Picture Person Track/Marathon Noon time sports Student Council Safe Schools Ambassadors Webmasters/Newscasters Keyboard lessons for grades 2-3 Recorder lessons for grade 4 Band and Choir for grades 5-6 Library and 2 computer labs Chessmasters Teachers participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLC) every Wednesday afternoon
Social Emotional Services are available at school Special Friends/Pals for grades 1-3 Onsite Counseling through Chino Human Services
Discipline Classroom Management System School wide discipline standards explicitly taught through the “First 20 Days of Litel” School wide citation policy(minor offenses on the playground) 1 st : Warning 2 nd: Loss of a recess and citizenship grade lowered one level 3 rd :After school detention 4 th: Parent/Teacher Conference with the assistant principal or principal ***Fresh every new trimester
Attendance District goal is 97% Litel’s goal is 98% Make illness the only excuse Independent study: Call the school for anticipated absences of 5 days
Student Motivation Individual Goal Setting Invitation to red carpet event, “STAR BANQUET” Scholar’s Night: AR/Reading Counts; Writing; Math Olympics; Science Fair; Spelling Bee; Student Council; Newscasters; Webmasters the Leader of the Pride Pep Rally Trip to the Principal Monthly awards; honor roll assembly; Presidential Academic Awards in the 6 th grade Lion’s Den
Litel knows how to have a ROARing good time! STAR BANQUET Litel at the beach Pep Rally
Parent Partnerships P.T.A. School Site Council E.L.A.C. GATE Advisory Committee Art Pals Track Muffins for Moms/Donuts for Dads/Pastries for Parents Parent teacher conferences MOST IMPORTANTLY: Be inquisitive of your child’s learning
GAME PLAN FOR SUCCESS Increase communication at all levels Uplevel practices in reading comprehension; School wide use of UNRAVEL Focus on Non fiction writing using the writing process; School wide use of Step Up to Writing Work on achieving student’s personal best!