Smith Elementary Please sit at your child’s desk
*Teaching for 6 years *Graduated from Concordia University, Irvine -Multiple Subject Teaching Credential -Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
- Sitton Spelling/Vocabulary/Math Daily Geography/ Reading Log -Homework will be checked that it is complete. It will not be graded, as it is done at home. - Frustrated with Homework?
8:20-9:00 Morning Meeting/Grammar 9:00-10:10 Language Arts (Read 180) 10:10-10:30 Recess 11:00-12:30 Math (PE- M, W) 12:40 – 1:25 Lunch 1:25 – 2:30 AR reading, Art, Library, Technology, Social Studies, Science 2:30-2:41 GET ORGANIZED 2:41 Dismissal
-Houghton Mifflin Medallion Series - Novels- Island of the Blue Dolphins, By the Great Horn Spoon, Patty Reed’s Doll -Vocabulary Tests on Fridays -Write From the Beginning -Accelerated Reader: Goals- 30%, 60%, 90%-100% per trimester -Ticket to Read
McGraw Hill- My Math -Chapter Tests & Quizzes- correction page - Jiji (ST Math)/Fluency: Goal is 33% done 1 st trimester 66% 2 nd trimester 100% by the end of the year
Scott Foresman Beckman Science Kits *Ecosystems *Rocks and Minerals *Electric Circuits and Magnetism
-Harcourt Series -Homework: workbook or projects -Landmark Challenge (website) - CA Postcard Race
- Music, Art, and Technology are integrated throughout the curriculum. -Weekly vocal music -FIBO Art– 3 times during the year - Computer Lab – twice a week
Every Friday -Outside Fun -Inside Fun -Study Hall
The students know the rules in our classroom and try to follow them by making good choices. -Rewards: Super Surfers, tickets, Murray $ -Consequences: Pink Slips for poor choices and miss a recess Behavior is marked weekly on the Bulletin that comes home in the red Friday Folder.
*Healthy snack at recess (breakfast being sold now $1.75) *Water bottles *TB tests for parent volunteers *Contact me by , notes, or phone (try not to just stop by, let me know first) *Grading; letter grades, conferences October 27 th -29 th : Please sign up tonight
Heritage Museum 49er Day Walk Through California Orange County Museum of Art
Volunteer opportunities are available on the back table, take a look and sign up Room Parents: PTA classroom events/parties Year Book: Take pictures and create yearbook page Volunteers: work with small groups, help during special projects, please be able to come at a consistent time. Field Trips: Chaperone field trips Friday Folders: Come each Friday to grade spelling tests and file and fill Friday Folders Help is very much appreciated! Volunteer in our Classroom!
Parent Involvement Outside the Classroom All of these programs directly benefit our classroom -Partners Across the Board -HB Ed Foundation -Classroom Supply Donations ( sticky notes on table) -PTA Volunteer in our Classroom!
for taking the time to attend Open House! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning activities!
Phone: (714) ext.2132 Remind 101 Text to: OR to: Subject and Message: can be blank