Mr. Barrett’s 3 rd Grade Class School phone number: (909)
Homework is due the following school day unless otherwise noted. If a student needs to miss a day of school, they are expected to complete all missed assignments within a day after returning to school. Late work will be graded as incomplete and will seriously affect the student’s report card. Any work not completed in class becomes homework.
Math and Science Textbooks may be accessed online Accelerated Reader IXL and Jiji online Additional resources Common Core Math and Language Arts ◦ Standards: hatareccss.asp Science- Life, Earth, and Physical (Testing) Social Studies- Community PE
Students will need to have a homework agenda for the school year. ($10) ◦ Communication ◦ Signatures will be checked every week. ◦ Missed signatures will affect their Homework grade.
Our class will have three parties throughout the year. Parties will be scheduled for the last hour of the school day. Parents are encouraged to help plan these events. Birthdays will be recognized at the end of the school day. If a parent wants to provide a treat/goodie bag it must NOT contain homemade items and can only be given out at the end of the day.
School spirit shirts on Wednesday University spirit days on Fridays ◦ University of Montana ◦ Last year’s cost was $12 – I am hoping to get the same price this year.
AR points will be included in the student’s reading grade. Students should earn at least 8 points each month. AR quizzes need to be taken at school upon completion of each book they read.
Course Content ◦ A Advanced ◦ B Proficient 80-89% ◦ C Basic 70-79% ◦ D Below Basic 60-69% ◦ F Far Below Basic 0-59% Standards 5 Advanced % 4 Proficient 80-89% 3 Basic 70-79% 2 Below Basic 60-69% 1 Far Below Basic 0-59% Assessments / Projects 60% Classwork / Homework 40%
Math Tests will be about every 1-2 weeks depending on the topic Language Arts will be assessed throughout the Unit Science and Social Studies Assessments will be every 3-4 weeks
Rewards: ◦ Marble Jar for fun Friday ◦ Sticker/Toy box ◦ Praise Consequences: ◦ Verbal warnings ◦ Note in agenda ◦ Time Out in another class Behavior Reflection Page ◦ Principal’s Office
8:30-11:40 Language Arts 11:00-11:30 ELD ◦ 10:10-10:23 AM RECESS ◦ 11:40-12:20 LUNCH 12:20-1:30 Math ◦ 1:30-1:43 PM RECESS 1:43- 2:55 History/Science/PE ◦ 2:55 DISMISSAL
8:30-9:30 Language Arts 9:30-10:40 Math ◦ 10:40-11:10 LUNCH ◦ 11:45 DISMISSAL PE – 1:45 Library – 9:30 Computers – 10:30 and 12:15