Governing Board Meeting September 29, 2011 Annual State of the School Address Mr. R. Hackler, Principal
Essential Questions What are our goals? Did we reach our goals? What are our next steps?
The Main Street Academy Charter Grades 3-5 Goals for Meeting Standards Student Achievement Goal GradesSubject AreaYear One GoalSubsequent Years Goal Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grades 3,4, and 5 (Computed for each grade level) Reading/Language Arts80% of students meet/exceed standards The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates (currently mandated that 100% of students will meet/exceed standards by ); whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grades 3,4, and 5 (Computed for each grade level) Mathematics80% of students meet/exceed standards The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates (currently mandated that 100% of students will meet/exceed standards by ); whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on Elementary Grades Writing Assessment (EGWA) Only Grades 3 and 5 (Computed for each grade level) Writing AssessmentWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on EGWA will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grade 3,4,5 (Computed for each grade level) ScienceWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grade 3,4,5 (Computed for each grade level) Social StudiesWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater.
The Main Street Academy Charter Grades 6-8 Goals for Meeting Standards Student Achievement Goal GradesSubject AreaYear One GoalSubsequent Years Goal Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) Reading/Language Arts80% of students meet/exceed standards The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates (currently mandated that 100% of students will meet/exceed standards by ); whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) Math80% of students meet/exceed standards The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates (currently mandated that 100% of students will meet/exceed standards by ); whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on Elementary Grades Writing Assessment (EGWA) Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) ScienceWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on the CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) Social StudiesWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on CRCT will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater. Increase % of students meeting standards on CRCT Grade 8Writing AssessmentWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who meet/exceed standards on MGWA will either increase 3% each subsequent year, or will increase at a rate to meet NCLB mandates; whichever is greater.
The Main Street Academy Charter Grades 3-5 Goals for Exceeding Standards Student Achievement Goal GradesSubject AreaYear One GoalSubsequent Years Goal Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grades 3,4, and 5 (Computed for each grade level) Reading/Language ArtsWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grades 3,4, and 5 (Computed for each grade level) MathematicsWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on Elementary Grades Writing Assessment (EGWA) Only Grades 3 and 5 (Computed for each grade level) Writing AssessmentWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on EGWA will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grade 3,4,5 (Computed for each grade level) ScienceWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grade 3,4,5 (Computed for each grade level) Social StudiesWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal.
The Main Street Academy Charter Grades 6-8 Goals for Exceeding Standards Student Achievement Goal GradesSubject AreaYear One GoalSubsequent Years Goal Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) Reading/Language ArtsWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on CRCT Grades 6,7, and 8 (Computed for each grade level) MathWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on CRCT will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase % of students exceeding standards on Middle Grades Writing Assessment (MGWA) Grade 8Writing AssessmentWill exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of students who exceed standards on MGWA will increase each subsequent year from the first-year goal. Increase course enrollment Grade 8 onlyMath IBaseline Year The percentage of 8 th grade students enrolled in Math I will increase by 5% each year from baseline target set during the first year of enrollment. Increase student performance on EOCT Grade 8 onlyMath IBaseline Year; Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. The percentage of 8 th grade students passing the EOCT in Math I/total number of students on active roll at time of assessment will increase each year from the baseline set during the first year of enrollment.
The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for ITBS Performance -Every year, each student in grade 1 and above will be evaluated based on a longitudinal profile of that student’s success by testing on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) in the fall and again in the spring of the same school year. -From year two and beyond, the average academic growth rates for all students will meet or exceed the national average academic growth rates in reading, language arts and mathematics as evidenced by the gain on scale scores from the fall to the spring administrations of the ITBS across all grade levels tested. The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for Student Attendance -The Charter School shall maintain an average daily attendance rate of not less than 95% each year of the charter term. The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for Parent Satisfaction -The Charter School will use the Harris Interactive satisfaction survey to assess parent satisfaction with the school and its work with their students. Satisfaction on this survey is rated on a scale of A to F. -80% of the Charter School parents will rate their school an A or B each year of the school’s operation, a rate that is 10% higher than national averages.
How did we do?
Increase the % of students meeting standards on CRCT in Reading/Language Arts in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (92%) 94% Grade 4 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (91%) 89% Grade 5 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (90%) 82% Grade 6 (7,8) 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (96%) 94%
Increase the % of students meeting standards on CRCT in Mathematics in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (85%) 82% Grade 4 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (87%) 73% Grade 5 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (92%) 63% Grade 6 (7,8) 80% of students meet/exceed standards Fulton County’s Average: (80%) 64%
Increase the % of students meeting standards on Elementary Grades Writing Assessment in Writing in grades 3 and 5. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (63%) 59% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (70%) 83%
Increase the % of students meeting standards on CRCT in Science in each grade level. (NA) Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (82%) 76% Grade 4 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (82%) 78% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (81%) 57% Grade 6 (7,8) Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (76%) 56%
Increase the % of students meeting standards on CRCT in Social Studies in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (83%) 77% Grade 4 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (79%) 70% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (73%) 56% Grade 6 (7,8) Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (78%) 71%
Increase the % of students exceeding standards on CRCT in Reading/Language Arts in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (47%)49% Grade 4 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (47%)41% Grade 5 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (44%)26% Grade 6 (7,8) Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (45%)46%
Increase the % of students exceeding standards on CRCT in Mathematics in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (53%)45% Grade 4 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (49%)29% Grade 5 Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (52%)15% Grade 6 (7,8) Fulton County’s Average: Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (80%)64%
Increase the % of students exceeding standards on Elementary Grades Writing Assessment in Writing in grades 3 and 5. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (22%) 19% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (17%) 4% Grade 8 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (NA) NANA
Increase the % of students exceeding standards on CRCT in Science in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (46%) 34% Grade 4 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (49%) 39% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (48%) 19%
Increase the % of students exceeding standards on CRCT in Social Studies in each grade level. Grades Year One Goal We met our goal We did not meet our goal Grade 3 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (32%) 25% Grade 4 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (29%) 8% Grade 5 Will exceed the average percentage achieved by the local district in that same year. Fulton County’s Average: (31%) 10%
The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for ITBS Performance Met Our Goal Did not Meet -Every year, each student in grade 1 and above will be evaluated based on a longitudinal profile of that student’s success by testing on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) in the fall and again in the spring of the same school year. -From year two and beyond, the average academic growth rates for all students will meet or exceed the national average academic growth rates in reading, language arts and mathematics as evidenced by the gain on scale scores from the fall to the spring administrations of the ITBS across all grade levels tested. This was our baseline year The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for Student Attendance -The Charter School shall maintain an average daily attendance rate of not less than 95% each year of the charter term.96% The Main Street Academy Charter Goals for Parent Satisfaction -The Charter School will use the Harris Interactive satisfaction survey to assess parent satisfaction with the school and its work with their students. Satisfaction on this survey is rated on a scale of A to F. -80% of the Charter School parents will rate their school an A or B each year of the school’s operation, a rate that is 10% higher than national averages.90%
Our Plan Of Action
Action Plan All of our actions for the school year are directly linked to our test scores and the needs of our students. Action Items in Place: School Improvement Plan Title 1 Plan of Improvement
Components of the SIP and TIP Weekly Professional Development and Team Planning Weekly Professional Development and Team Planning Instructional Support Instructional Support Specifically Designed Programs for Instruction Specifically Designed Programs for Instruction Additional Resources (Human and Instructional) Additional Resources (Human and Instructional) Analysis of the Data on an Ongoing Basis Analysis of the Data on an Ongoing Basis
Weekly Professional Development Individualized sessions utilizing the resources of EdisonLearning staff (VPES, Math Specialist, Special Education Coordinator, etc.) Each session broken down to address specific strands identified on assessments. Ex: Geometry in Math, Spelling on ITBS, Government in Social Studies. Individualized sessions utilizing the resources of EdisonLearning staff (VPES, Math Specialist, Special Education Coordinator, etc.) Each session broken down to address specific strands identified on assessments. Ex: Geometry in Math, Spelling on ITBS, Government in Social Studies. Fulton County Data Support Specialist Fulton County Data Support Specialist Metro RESA: Specific courses designed to empower teachers with tools in Math, ELA, and Science related to the Georgia Performance Standards Metro RESA: Specific courses designed to empower teachers with tools in Math, ELA, and Science related to the Georgia Performance Standards Academy Directors have submitted their PD calendars for the year which focus on particular academic areas requiring support/growth. Academy Directors have submitted their PD calendars for the year which focus on particular academic areas requiring support/growth.
Instructional Support Monitoring of Teaching – Classroom Observations Monitoring of Teaching – Classroom Observations Lesson Planning – Weekly meetings with AD’s to go over Lesson Plan Checklists Lesson Planning – Weekly meetings with AD’s to go over Lesson Plan Checklists Assessment – A “Cycle of Instruction” will ensure that students are given time to practice what is taught Assessment – A “Cycle of Instruction” will ensure that students are given time to practice what is taught Daily Remediation by our Title I Math and Reading Teachers – Students are identified and being served on a daily basis through a consistent schedule Daily Remediation by our Title I Math and Reading Teachers – Students are identified and being served on a daily basis through a consistent schedule
Specific Structures/Programs Embed math instruction into daily Morning Meetings – Teachers use “eValuate” data to inform Morning Meetings, submitting a “focus plan” in advance Embed math instruction into daily Morning Meetings – Teachers use “eValuate” data to inform Morning Meetings, submitting a “focus plan” in advance Saturday School – Using “Measuring Up”, “Coach”, “Study Island”, “Renzulli Learning” and “GOAS” Saturday School – Using “Measuring Up”, “Coach”, “Study Island”, “Renzulli Learning” and “GOAS” Before/After-school Tutoring – (As above) Before/After-school Tutoring – (As above) Daily targeted skill instruction in Math, Social Studies & Science (Flexible grouping within class or grade level) Daily targeted skill instruction in Math, Social Studies & Science (Flexible grouping within class or grade level)
Resources School-wide Study Island (online CRCT Prep and Remediation program for students and teachers) School-wide Study Island (online CRCT Prep and Remediation program for students and teachers) Title 1 Math and ELA teacher to support struggling students Title 1 Math and ELA teacher to support struggling students The purchasing of additional resources will be pursued as a Focus Group identifies specific needs (Science Lab materials, Science Kits, Social Studies home-help workbooks, etc) The purchasing of additional resources will be pursued as a Focus Group identifies specific needs (Science Lab materials, Science Kits, Social Studies home-help workbooks, etc) Further development of curriculum maps aligned with Georgia Performance Standards will occur during planned PD and teacher work days Further development of curriculum maps aligned with Georgia Performance Standards will occur during planned PD and teacher work days Conduct a “gap analysis” with a Focus Group and then submit recommendations on ways identified standards can be taught Conduct a “gap analysis” with a Focus Group and then submit recommendations on ways identified standards can be taught
Analysis of Data With teachers (Support/Training provided by Fulton County DSS, TMSA Data Specialist, and Edison Learning) With teachers (Support/Training provided by Fulton County DSS, TMSA Data Specialist, and Edison Learning) Deeper ITBS, Benchmark and Weekly Assessment Analysis – Going into the strands Deeper ITBS, Benchmark and Weekly Assessment Analysis – Going into the strands A Data Calendar will be created to analyze incoming data with teachers. These school-wide needs will be addressed in Faculty Meetings and Grade Level House Professional Development A Data Calendar will be created to analyze incoming data with teachers. These school-wide needs will be addressed in Faculty Meetings and Grade Level House Professional Development Professional Development Day each week devoted to looking at each student's performance by standard and strand Professional Development Day each week devoted to looking at each student's performance by standard and strand Identification of students who are close to “proficient” through the lens of student work and data Identification of students who are close to “proficient” through the lens of student work and data
“Every ceiling, when reached, becomes a floor, upon which one walks as a matter of course and prescriptive right.” -Aldous Huxley