Matoaka Elementary TECHNOLOGY INVENTORY by Hailey Hewitt
MATOAKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TECHNOLOGY MISSION STATEMENT: The faculty and staff of Matoaka believe that infusing technology into classroom instruction will create students who are academically competitive, technologically literate, motivated and engaged in the learning process. Students will be given the opportunity to acquire a high level of information literacy. Students will have the ability to access, evaluate, process and communicate information in order to improve their learning, excel in state educational standards and succeed in the workplace and society.
How to Access Technology at Matoaka Technology In Pods: Each grade level pod has four computers and a cart equipped with a classroom set of laptops which can be used by the teachers of that grade at any time. Technology in the Classroom: Each teacher at Matoaka Elementary has four desktop computers in their classrooms, their own personal laptop, wireless keyboards, a document camera, microphone, overhead projector,and inter write tablets. Technology in the Computer Lab & Media Center: The Media Center has 12 computers and also offers digital cameras, video cameras and flip cameras to be borrowed. Also there a county wide ipod cart that can be requested. There is also a computer lab where students take a fun interactive technology center. The school also has online resource subscriptions such as pebble go, brain pop, ixl math, study island and ed online.
Computer Lab run by Maureen McFarland--Computer Teacher/Webmaster
Need Technical Help? No Problem! To get help with any technology you can put in a work order to the it department of technology either online or by phone. There is an it/rt who is shared between Matoaka and D.J. Montague who is there to help. Mrs. McFarland, the computer lab teacher, also does some troubleshooting on smaller problems
How To Get Professional Development The IT/RT does workshops throughout the year which teach how to use various programs and devices, they can also be booked if you have a specific question. The school's computer people including Mrs. McFarland attended a VISTI conference.
TSIP -TSIP is a technology portfolio that requires that you show that you can use various programs. -Teachers can get help setting this up from Mrs. Mcfarland. -This can be transfered from most other districts in the state (except section 8). Section 8 involves listening to a presentation on current copyright law and Lee Welch does that presentation several times a year.
TSIP REQUIREMENTS: The Virginia Board of Education has identified eight technology standards for instructional personnel. Individuals who completed a Virginia approved program in any instructional area since December 1998 have met the TSIP requirements. Virginia colleges and universities require that individuals must meet the requirements as part of their approved program. It is not necessary for local school division personnel to reassess this requirement for these graduates of a Virginia approved program. can be found at