Gillespie Technology Magnet Cluster School ISAT Family Night Thursday, January 27 th, 2011
What is the ISAT? The Illinois Standards Achievement Test (ISAT) measures individual student achievement relative to the Illinois Learning Standards. The results give parents, teachers, and schools one measure of student learning and school performance. The ISAT test results are used in the board’s promotion policy for students in grades 3, 6, & 8.
When is the ISAT Test? February 28 – March 11, 2011 Gillespie is scheduled to begin testing on Tuesday 3/1/11 Each session is 45 minutes plus an extra 10 minutes for students who are still working
What is Tested on the ISAT? ReadingMathScience 3 rd ** 4 th *** 5 th ** 6 th ** 7 th *** 8 th **
ISAT Performance Indicators Exceeds – Demonstrates beyond grade level understanding Meets – Demonstrates comprehension of grade level information Below – Demonstrates incomplete understanding of grade level information Academic Warning – Demonstrates limited understanding of grade level information
Reading Session One – Created by Pearson Inc. 6 Short Passages (short story, informational, advertisement, instructions, poetry) 30 Multiple Choice Questions (5 per passage) SAT 10 (Norm Referenced Questions)
Reading Session Two – Created by ISBE Two passages of equal length Each passage will have 10 multiple choice questions One of the passages will have an extended response question
Reading Session Three – Created by ISBE Two to Three Passages Short passages will have 5 corresponding multiple choice questions Longer passage will have 10 corresponding multiple choice questions and an extended response question
Extended Response Student’s response to writing is scored on a 1-4 point rubric. Worth 10% of each child’s scale score. Roughly equivalent to 6 multiple choice questions. If a student receives a score of “2” it would be like answering 3 multiple choice questions correctly.
Sample Reading Extended Response Questions Penguins can survive both on land and in water. Explain how penguins are different from most birds. Use information from the passage and your own ideas to support your answer. What does the author want the reader to learn from Nicole’s success? Use information from the passage and your own observations and conclusions to support your answer. How do scientists combine creativity and research to develop new flavors? Use information from the passage and your own ideas and conclusions to support your answer.
Math Paper rulers for all grades (provided with test materials)
Math Reference sheet for grades 7-8 (provided with test materials) Calculator use is allowed in grades 4-8
Math Session One 40 Multiple-Choice Items {The first 30 items are an abbreviated form of the Stanford 10. These 30 items are used to calculate the National Percentile Rankings.}
Math Session Two 30 Multiple Choice Items 3 Short Response Items
Math Session Three 2 Extended Response Questions
Sample 3 rd Grade Math Question
Sample 5 th Grade Math Question
Sample 8 th Grade Math Question
Sample Short Response Question The short-response items contribute a total of 5% to the scale score.
Sample Extended Response Math Problem The extended- response item contributes a total of 10% to the scale score.
Science (4 th & 7 th ) Aligned to the Illinois Assessment Framework All multiple-choice items 2, 45 minute sessions Up to 10 extra min. 82 items
Sample 4 th Grade Science Question
Sample 7 th Grade Science Question
Resources Further information about ISAT, Illinois Learning Standards, Sample Test Booklets and Interactive Test Samples Further skills practice for students taking the ISAT Test
Gillespie “Extra Degree” ISAT Initiatives Saturday Academy – Targets Reading and Math Skills (Saturday Mornings 8:30 – 12:00) ISAT Boot Camp – Targets Vocabulary and Reading Skills (Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday Mornings 7:00 – 8:00)
Questions? Comments? Please contact Katrinka Knerr at to receive an electronic copy of this PowerPoint.