Title I Reading & Tippecanoe Middle School In January 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was signed into law to improve educational opportunities for all children attending a Title I school. This federally funded program provides assistance to schools serving students who need additional services in academics. This legislation supports the Tipp City Exempted Village School District’s efforts to provide a strong standards-based educational program for students along with accountability for student achievement.
Tippecanoe Middle School Grade Levels Serviced 6 th, 7 th and 8th Targeted assistance provided with small group, and/or one and one instruction during study hall Targeted lessons suggested for each individual based on their specific needs.
Supplemental Instructional Materials and Equipment Grade Level Textbooks PARCC test prep questions OAA, PARCC and Study Island data Math IXL I-Ready Math and Reading Diagnostic and Instructional Computer lab, Chrome Books, Ipads
I-Ready Diagnostics and Instruction Reading The adaptive Diagnostic covers the Ohio New Learning Standards : Phonics, Phonological Awareness, High- Frequency Words, Vocabulary, Comprehension of Literature, and Comprehension of Informational Text Diagnostic includes multimedia paired passages in which students are asked to combine ideas from multiple sources Online lessons provide specific instruction on key skills across all subjects. Mathematics The adaptive Diagnostic covers the Ohio New Learning Standards: Number and Operations, Algebra and Algebraic Thinking, Measurement and Data, and Geometry Diagnostic questions include new technology-enhanced questions Tasks draw on multiple standards to ensure students are making important connections between math concepts Content builds across grades and major topics are linked within grades
Math IXL Students will have access to Math IXL where they can practice unlimited math problems aligned to the Standards covering over 2,000 skills. Math IXL assesses your child’s performance on each standard. Comprehensive reports identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses providing suggestions for skills your child should practice to improve their math performance.
Useful Websites for Title I Math IXL o I-READY o Ohio Department of Education o
Extra help available daily after school in the Media 2:30-3:15.