Sept. 10, 2012
Common Core Standards Math Reading Science Social Studies Intervention Behavior Q & A Plus/Delta
Adopted by 48 states. Create a more uniform curriculum across the country. Focus on College and Career Readiness. Posted on Teacher’s webpages and also on the District webpage and the NCDPI webpage.
Math adoption for all elementary schools in the district is: enVision by Scott/Foresman Web-based resources as well as print materials Teachers will supplement math series with Accelerated Math, The Problem Solver, and Study Island. Essential Curriculum for the first semester is on each teacher’s webpage
Math facts: students need to know their basic addition, subtraction and multiplication facts in order to be ready for long division All classes have covered place value, are working on addition and subtraction, and will be moving on to multiplication Help us with math by: Stressing neatness and accuracy with homework Help drill math facts (driving to practice or waiting in line are great times) Use websites that make practice fun (ex.
New Reading focus is on small-group instruction based on student needs. Using Benchmark Education books purchased with funds from the PTO All teachers also teach novels to provide an exposure to different genres Book reports will be assigned monthly to allow students to choose their reading material
Accelerated Reader Students are tested in the STAR program to determine their reading level Students receive a point level goal to meet Students can retest if they do not achieve 80% on the AR test
RUNNERS and STEPS to Success strategies are used to help with comprehension Students who make their AR goals will be able to participate in the monthly celebrations. Those who do not will have the opportunity to get ahead for the next month by spending time reading in another room. Help us by: Making sure your student continues to read at home Remind your student to bring their AR book to school so they can read the same one at home and at school
We write for many reasons Compare and contrast Persuade Inform Entertain Express an opinion Students write several times a week in journals Writing is a focus area of the Common Core
Six major areas of instruction Forces & Motion Earth in the Universe Matter: Properties and Change Ecosystems Molecular Biology Science & Social Studies are each taught throughout the quarter
North Carolina with a focus on these topics within our state: History Geography & Environmental Literacy Culture Economics & Financial Literacy Civics & Governance
Intervention/enrichment time for 40 minutes for Reading and Math each Intervention is focused on targeted objectives Based on gaps identified by CA’s and BA’s Small groups of about 8 students working with the teacher Groups change based on need
Students are expected to follow the school and class norms at all times. Students are expected to be prepared for class including homework completed each day. Students who do not have their homework will have a silent lunch period and be expected to make up their work. They may stay in from recess on a day when they have PE if they do not have their homework.
Students who need to be redirected will have a timeout in the classroom first. If they continue to be disruptive, they will be bounced to another classroom. Parents will be notified. Further issues will result in an office referral. Physical contact with another student or a teacher is an immediate office referral.
If you have general questions, please feel free to ask them now If you have specific questions for your child’s teacher about your student, please see your teacher to schedule a conference Please take a moment to tell us what you thought of the evening. We value your input!