ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives ENOMA Workshop – The Grieg Academy, UiB 26 May 2006 Leif Arne Rønningen and Lars Erik Løvhaug NTNU User requirements for ENOMA. Existing, comparable systems for music documentation
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Who are the users? Researchers/musicologists Researchers/musicologists Performers Performers Composers/Editors of music Composers/Editors of music Students of music Students of music Teachers of music Teachers of music General public General public Service Providers Service Providers
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives From interviews, the following user needs have been found: The system shall hold written information about the music (meta information) The system shall hold written information about the music (meta information) The system should function as a “record company” for universities and university colleges. The system should function as a “record company” for universities and university colleges. The system should function as a sound and sheet music archive. The system should function as a sound and sheet music archive. The system should be expandable to span several universities and countries. The system should be expandable to span several universities and countries. Material can be made available under restrictions such that only some users or user groups can access it. Material can be made available under restrictions such that only some users or user groups can access it. The system should support keeping track of the quality of published material. The system should support keeping track of the quality of published material. The system should support conference groups. The system should support conference groups.
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Users can choose to listen directly to the music or download the music. Users can choose to listen directly to the music or download the music. It should be possible to listen to previews of notated music. It should be possible to listen to previews of notated music. Artists or groups can use the system to publish music. Artists or groups can use the system to publish music. The system should automatically generate lists of “best sellers” The system should automatically generate lists of “best sellers” The system should show the latest released material. The system should show the latest released material. Material listings can be sorted by category. Material listings can be sorted by category. Material can be commented by other users by logging in and comment or write an analysis of the material. Material can be commented by other users by logging in and comment or write an analysis of the material. Users can log in and grade material. The system should store the grades and generate lists of popular material. Users can log in and grade material. The system should store the grades and generate lists of popular material. The system should hold information about composers The system should hold information about composers
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives The main features of ENOMA – derived from user needs and existing systems The system shall permit the publishing of music in the form of sound and sheet music [required] The system shall permit the publishing of music in the form of sound and sheet music [required] The system may permit the publishing of music in the form of video. [optional] The system may permit the publishing of music in the form of video. [optional] The published material shall be available for todays performers and researchers [required] The published material shall be available for todays performers and researchers [required] The system shall have central server. [Required] The system shall have central server. [Required] The server shall have an access control system. [Required] The server shall have an access control system. [Required] The system shall have different user groups. [Required] The system shall have different user groups. [Required]
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives The central server shall maintain the user groups. [Required] The central server shall maintain the user groups. [Required] The access control system may include payment for services. [Optional] The access control system may include payment for services. [Optional] The server shall contain a library. [Required]. The server shall contain a library. [Required]. The library must be user friendly. [Required] The library must be user friendly. [Required] The ENOMA system shall provide a specified quality of service [Required]. The ENOMA system shall provide a specified quality of service [Required].
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives The following search methods should be possible in a full implementation: Metadata field matching Metadata field matching Free text search Free text search Visual collaging Visual collaging Query by example – On-screen Piano Keyboard Query by example – On-screen Piano Keyboard Query by example – Tap Rhythm Query by example – Tap Rhythm Query by example – Whistle or Sing a Tune in the Computer Microphone Query by example – Whistle or Sing a Tune in the Computer Microphone Query by example – Melodic Contour Search – both using normal Parsons code and refined contour Query by example – Melodic Contour Search – both using normal Parsons code and refined contour Query by example – Pitch Sequence Search Query by example – Pitch Sequence Search Query by example – Scale Degree Search Query by example – Scale Degree Search Query by example – Interval Search Query by example – Interval Search Melodic Key and mode (minor, major, etc.) Melodic Key and mode (minor, major, etc.) Meter Meter
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Metadata description It should be possible to search for material based on terms like composer, style, price, name of the composition, artists, groups, instruments, year, free text etc. It should be possible to search for material based on terms like composer, style, price, name of the composition, artists, groups, instruments, year, free text etc. The meta-information should comply with standards for digital libraries to ensure compatibility with similar archives so that it is possible to search through multiple archives at the same time The meta-information should comply with standards for digital libraries to ensure compatibility with similar archives so that it is possible to search through multiple archives at the same time
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Music notation, formats Midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) Text based Text based A standard ’signalling’ language for playing synths A standard ’signalling’ language for playing synths Guido Guido Text based notation format for scores and music Text based notation format for scores and music LilyPond LilyPond Text based notation Text based notation Translates to various (graphics) formats (PDF, SVG, Midi,,) Translates to various (graphics) formats (PDF, SVG, Midi,,) Free software (GNU) Free software (GNU) MusicXML MusicXML XML based format for score representation XML based format for score representation Exchange between the large number of different existing formats Exchange between the large number of different existing formats Various players and converters available (MusicRain) Various players and converters available (MusicRain) Supported by e.g. Finale and Sibelius Supported by e.g. Finale and Sibelius Other,,, Other,,,
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Digital audio Recorded and coded with a certain quality Recorded and coded with a certain quality Compressed Compressed Lossless Lossless Lossy (MP3,..,) Lossy (MP3,..,) Uncompressed (WAV, AIFF,..,) Uncompressed (WAV, AIFF,..,)
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Some on-line Music Systems Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL) Based on Web Wiki, for free Based on Web Wiki, for free Download Musical score –.PDF Download Musical score –.PDF Listen – Midi only Listen – Midi only Some Finale and Sibelius Some Finale and Sibelius Searching facilities Searching facilities The Mutopia Project The Mutopia Project Web based, for free Web based, for free LilyPond format LilyPond format Download score –.ps,.PDF,.ly Download score –.ps,.PDF,.ly Listen – Midi only Listen – Midi only Searching Searching
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Musipedia.org Musipedia.org MySQL database, TYPO3 content management MySQL database, TYPO3 content management LilyPond/ Midi LilyPond/ Midi Download score –.ps,.PDF,.ly Download score –.ps,.PDF,.ly Listen – Midi only Listen – Midi only Searching – humming, melodic contour, rythm tap, keyboard Searching – humming, melodic contour, rythm tap, keyboard The Indiana University Digital Library Program (DLP), Music collections The Indiana University Digital Library Program (DLP), Music collections Musical score Musical score Download music Download music Searching Searching
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Themefinder, Stanford Univ, Ohio State Univ. Themefinder, Stanford Univ, Ohio State Univ. Themefinder search tool Themefinder search tool Advanced Search Advanced Search,,,,,,,,,,
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives Content management systems Content management systems MediaWiki MediaWiki For free For free PHP scripting – process and display data PHP scripting – process and display data MySQL database system MySQL database system Any webserver (Apache2) and operating system Any webserver (Apache2) and operating system TYPO3,,,,,, TYPO3,,,,,, Payment systems Payment systems Paypal, Paypal, KOPEK, KOPEK, Payex Payex,,,,,,,,,,
ENOMA - European Network of Online Musical Archives ENOMA and networked collaborations Virtual Collaboration Games Business Education Concerts Opera Theatre Future TV Leif Arne Rønningen, 19sep05 DMP – Distributed Multimedia Plays DMP – Distributed Multimedia Plays LAR 1998