/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work.


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Presentation transcript:

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, ADAPT "Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL based on ICT" Alexandra Cristea

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Contents Project data at a glance Goal People Types of activities Evaluation/ dissemination strategies Outcome of the project Products and outputs Global time-table Adapt papers Interesting information

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Project data at a glance ADAPTMinerva (Socrates) project: ADAPT CP NL-MINERVA-MPP*project reference number: CP NL-MINERVA-MPP* 24Duration of project (in months): 24 6Number of partners: 6 The Netherlands, United Kingdom, ItalyPartner countries involved: The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Italy Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL based on ICTSub-title:Adaptivity and adaptability in ODL based on ICT site:

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, ADAPT goal platform of standards (guidelines, techniques and tools) for user modeling -based adaptability and adaptationto establish a European platform of standards (guidelines, techniques and tools) for user modeling -based adaptability and adaptation, in the sense of the new paradigm of intelligent human -computer interaction, based on the new generation of ODL tools, towards individualization of the learning process. aims at virtual campuses, e-learning, students tutoring and services, with special focus on adaptation to the learner's needs.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, People

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Partners in a few words Rik Min & Italo De Diana, Twente - pioneers in use and research of technology in education Carlo Strapparava – natural language processing Franca Garzotto – design patterns experience Hugh Davis – Microcosm (one of the few commercial hypertext systems) Tim Brailsford - WHURLE project: transclusion – simple adaptation user model – creating individualized virtual docs Helen Ashman - hypertext & hypermedia, book on new frontiers of learning Paul De Bra – AHA! System, AHAM adaptive hypermedia framework Alexandra Cristea – LAOS adaptive authoring framework for adaptive hypermedia; LAG the three layers of adaptation granularity; MOT System

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Types of activities project meetings, study of existing practices, system development, evaluation meetings, reports, project workshop, dissemination, testing, conferences, workshops

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Target groups university students from the 3 countries involved (The Netherlands, Italy and United Kingdom) and others, teaching staff from the institutions participating in the project and outside, researchers in these disciplines, the larger research community, the standards community

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Evaluation/ dissemination strategies PROJECT MONITORING EVALUATION STRATEGIES DISSEMINATION IN THE PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AND BEYOND

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, PROJECT MONITORING Progress is monitored by the project leader during the whole duration of the project.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, EVALUATION STRATEGIES self-evaluation and distribution of own results, partner cross-evaluation, peer evaluation, user feedback (from students and course developers), external experts, opinion exchange, written evaluations, suitability evaluation, using both empirical methods (i.e., user testing) and inspection methods (e.g., heuristic evaluation) and finally an overall achievement test and evaluation.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, DISSEMINATION IN THE PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AND BEYOND The initial outputs of the project will be exploited by the partners. The output and deliverables list itself includes dissemination of findings and products, via international conferences and workshops, Internet publication (on-line dissemination of project results and deliverables) and contacting the IEEE LTTF LTSC standard committee.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Outcome of the project standardization of the new generation of ODL adaptation techniques and tools alternate styles of teaching and learningThe projects main outcome is to significantly contribute not only towards standardization of the new generation of ODL adaptation techniques and tools, but also to provide alternate styles of teaching and learning, optimally suited for ODL or a combination of ODL and traditional classroom teaching.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Products and outputs a set of relevant good practices of adaptation techniques for education and counter-examples, a minimal set of relevant, necessary features for adaptation techniques in education and counter-examples, research of integration of adaptive hypermedia elements into existing learning environments, reports, both internal and external (conferences, workshops, etc.), a sample authoring system for adaptive techniques in education, one (or more) training system(s) based on the minimal set of relevant adaptive features, evaluation, dissemination and promotion of results.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, We were here background study system development testing & 2 nd prototype final test

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, ADAPT Papers

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Interesting information IFETS Discussion: people subscribed to IFETS discussion list: regular discussions on topics related to educational technology July July 2003 Alexandra Cristea will moderate a discussion on: adaptive (and adaptable) hypermedia applied in education, at the moment, from an authoring point of view.adaptive (and adaptable) hypermedia applied in education, at the moment, from an authoring point of view. Discussion took place!!:

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, We are here background study system development testing & 2 nd prototype final test

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, ADAPT System developments Here you can try out, online or by downloading, the different systems created or developed within the ADAPT project.

/ department of mathematics and computer science TU/e eindhoven university of technology CEDEFOP workshop: Policy, Practice, Partnership: Getting to Work on Lifelong Learning, Thessaloniki, Greece 3 rd of June, Updated Interesting information announcing: The First International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational HypermediaThe First International Workshop on Authoring of Adaptive and Adaptable Educational Hypermedia: A special session at the IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, WBE 2004 February 16-18, 2004, Innsbruck, AustriaFebruary 16-18, 2004, Innsbruck, Austria Youre all invited to participate!!