Age of Exploration Europeans expand beyond their own borders
Some Reasons include: Crusades: Desire for foreign goodsCrusades: Desire for foreign goods Renaissance: Humanism and educationRenaissance: Humanism and education Reformation: Spread and strengthen religionReformation: Spread and strengthen religion
Most Important Reasons: GOD – GOLD – GLORY ‘S THE
Portugal & Spain Lead the Way Both want sea-routes to AsiaBoth want sea-routes to Asia Portugal heads EASTPortugal heads EAST –Sail around Africa Spain heads WESTSpain heads WEST –Discover the “New World”
Technology allows trade Advances made in sailing & technology allowed overseas tradeAdvances made in sailing & technology allowed overseas trade Printing PressPrinting Press –Education –Knowledge of Geography grows –Understand world’s not flat
(more technology) GunpowderGunpowder –Europeans force trade CartographyCartography –Map-making –Better navigation
(more technology) Magnetic CompassMagnetic Compass –Sailors determine direction AstrolabeAstrolabe –Determines latitude
(more technology) CaravelsCaravels –Large Portuguese ships –Travel farther & hold more cargo
Portugal Goes First Claim to Fame – Made Portugal Powerful for a short timeClaim to Fame – Made Portugal Powerful for a short time Explore African coast for water routes to “cut through”Explore African coast for water routes to “cut through”
Prince Henry KEY FIGURE to the Age of ExplorationKEY FIGURE to the Age of Exploration Son of Portugal’s KingSon of Portugal’s King Greatest supporter of explorationGreatest supporter of exploration
(continued) Early 1400s - Entered N. Africa Amazed by the wealth there Spices & GoldSpices & Gold Helps P. estab. trading ports in AfricaHelps P. estab. trading ports in Africa
Portuguese Explorers Bartolomeu Dias Sails around the tip of AfricaSails around the tip of Africa Vasco da Gama Sailed all the way to Calcutta, IndiaSailed all the way to Calcutta, India
Spain Is Next Spain sees their success & will follow in their footstepsSpain sees their success & will follow in their footsteps
Ferdinand and Isabella Spanish MonarchsSpanish Monarchs –King and Queen Free to turn attention elsewhere after Reconquista (Spanish Crusade)Free to turn attention elsewhere after Reconquista (Spanish Crusade) Want to gain wealth & spread XityWant to gain wealth & spread Xity Spanish InquisitionSpanish Inquisition
Christopher Columbus Italian Sailor Sailed for Spain Convinced F & I to finance his voyage to travel WEST across the ATLANTIC to Asia!
In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue… Set sail: August 3 rd, Ships: The Nina, Pinta, & Santa Maria Reached land in 2 months…
“Los Indios” – Columbus called the people he found Indians“Los Indios” – Columbus called the people he found Indians Searched islands for gold & spicesSearched islands for gold & spices “Claimed” lands for Spain“Claimed” lands for Spain –Early 1493 – returned as a hero Columbus’ Voyage
1493 Columbus stole and killed all he could see… September 1493 – Columbus sailed back, this time with 17 ships and 1,000 soldiers and colonists to take control of the land for SpainSeptember 1493 – Columbus sailed back, this time with 17 ships and 1,000 soldiers and colonists to take control of the land for Spain Columbus wanted an Empire and PowerColumbus wanted an Empire and Power Spain wanted colonies to get richSpain wanted colonies to get rich
The Columbus Controversy Was Columbus a HERO or VILLIAN –On one hand… Made Spain wealthy and powerful Spread Christianity to new areas of the world Cultural Diffusion –On the other hand Some reports of evildoings (theft, murder) Native populations wiped out Was he good, bad, or just a product of the time in which he lived?
Conflicts between Nations Portugal and Spain argue over “claimed” lands Portugal believed Columbus got to and claimed lands in Asia… …Lands they already explored
& Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 – Spain and Portugal agree to honor a “Line” that separates territories that each country can explore and claim1494 – Spain and Portugal agree to honor a “Line” that separates territories that each country can explore and claim The Line of Demarcation
Ferdinand Magellan 1519, Portuguese Explorer1519, Portuguese Explorer Sailing for Spain!Sailing for Spain! Named the Pacific OceanNamed the Pacific Ocean CircumnavigationCircumnavigation
Amerigo Vespucci Early 1500s – Italian who Sailed for PortugalEarly 1500s – Italian who Sailed for Portugal Explored eastern coast of S. AmericaExplored eastern coast of S. America Realized it’s not Asia – it’s a NEW WORLDRealized it’s not Asia – it’s a NEW WORLD America was named for AmerigoAmerica was named for Amerigo
Other Nations EnglishEnglish Dutch (Netherlands)Dutch (Netherlands) FranceFrance All nations tried to expand their power base by looking for trade routes and outposts to establish.All nations tried to expand their power base by looking for trade routes and outposts to establish.
Economics Columbian Exchange Mercantilism Triangle Trade