Explorers of the New World Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Hernando Cortez Prince Henry the Navigator’s Ships
The Travels of Vasco da Gama Greetings, I am Vasco da Gama, an explorer from Portugal. I left in 1497 and returned in My goal was to go to the China like Marco Polo and get lots of spices. On my way, I visited Mombasa, Mozambique, Malindi, Kenya, and Quilmana. I feel that my travel was important because I found a different way to China. I took Marco Polo’s advice and have gone to the Indies.
The Travels of Hernando Cortez Hi! I am Hernando Cortez, a Spanish explorer. I started my journey in Spain in I wanted to go to the new world. When I was in Mexico I defeated and conquered the Aztec Empire. I died in Mexico. I think my trip was important because I made the Aztecs stop having blood sacrifices.
The Travels of Prince Henry the Navigator Hey, my name is Prince Henry but lots of people call me Prince Henry the Navigator. I never went on any explorations but I did send ships. My ships left in 1444 and returned in My goal was to find a route that you could trade spices on. I was successful and I created a good route. I also sponsored many trips down the coast of Africa. I think I was important because I started a important trade route.
The Travels of Ferdinand Magellan Hello! My name Ferdinand Magellan. I started my journey in Portugal in 1519 and I didn’t return. My goal was to prove the world wasn’t flat. My ship went around the world but I died on the way. My discovery was very important because it proved that the world is round.